Total Member Involvement
Imagine a church which baptizes 30 new members in a special reaping program. One year later, on a return visit to this church, you find only 10 of the 30 new members still in attendance. What happened?
More than half of the participants are guests invited by church members—plus a few onlookers who happened to be elderly Muslim men.
A small but very enthusiastic group of women gathered in Mondsee, Austria, for a supplementary training weekend called LevelPlus.
An enthusiastic group of women gather in Mondsee for a weekend of supplementary leadership training called LevelPlus.
Bangladesh has the world’s highest child marriage rate for girls under age 15.
Focusing on prayer journaling starts young women on a journey of praying with written words.
The elderly population is often forgotten or ignored, but not so in Botswana where a special luncheon for 250 elderly guests gives opportunity for Women's Ministries to show their compassion—and the representative of the President of Botswana commends the work of Women's Ministries.
Hot topics for leadership training are evangelistic training for women, mentoring young women, making prayer the focus of life, and becoming leaders of excellence.
The Honorable Mrs. Gladys Kokorwe, Botswana's Speaker of the House of Parliament, presents the keynote address.
Women's Ministries distributes food and clothing to the bushmen living in Botswana's settlements.
The Brazilian Publishing House prints the Bible co-produced by Safeliz and Women's Ministries.
WM Convention is designed to appeal to friends of church members and baptisms are the result
Annual magazine, "Breaking the Silence," encourages rape victims to find help and hope in the 2017 issue.
Church members and non-members participate in women's meeting with theme "Crossroads of Hope."
Central African Republic
Central African Union Mission holds its first union WM departmental advisory—and casts a vision, makes resolutions, and trains eager women.
Women of Cuba attend the “Transformed by Jesus’ Love” congress and are also transformed by the love of sisters from Mexico.
Women's Ministries is active in Total Member Involvement
Adventist women involved with meetings experience revival along with new converts in Democratic Republic of Congo.
Ten women also receive certificates for completing three levels of Women's Ministries Leadership Certification training.
Leaders from Italy, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Germany, and Switzerland convene to share stories about their thriving work in reaching out to women in Europe.
Bible art journaling workshop attracts more young people than expected on Youth Sabbath in Germany.
The spectacular view of many colorful balloons rising and floating off together in unity is an image not easily forgotten by the Women's Ministries directors and leaders attending Southern Asia Division departmental advisory.
Adult literacy program improves the lives of 146 women and 10 men in Khammam Section.
India Empower
Levels 1 and 2 of Women's Leadership certification training helps women recognize their talents and gifts.
Baking healthy, whole grain bread opens the way to share Adventist health principles with the public in southwestern India.
India enditnow
Enditnow rallies help make people in India aware of the problem of violence and abuse in families.
Women's Minister of the government of Indonesia attends an enditnow event on island of Papua.
Bilingual pastoral couple from Tokyo trains 250 men and women participants at Japan's union women's congress.
Hong Kong-enditnow
More than 250 women from eight area churches in Hong Kong participated in enditnow Emphasis Day.
Northern-Asia Pacific Division WM Advisory
Northern Asia-Pacific Division hold Women's Ministries Advisory, November 8-10, 2016
Women organize activities, even create a smartphone app, for Sabbath afternoon outreach to women and young girls in the community.
An afternoon with activities for mothers with children at home includes adult conversation at the "Mommies café."
New Zealand
A new believer is blossoming spiritually through the Women's Ministries activities in her congregation—and she's the ministry leader!
New Zealand
Women's Ministries annual retreat in New Zealand is designed for inviting friends.
Women's Ministries activities focus on WM themes of Nurture, Empower, and Outreach.
Papua New Guinea
CEO of youth-led organization uses sports to educate youth about healthy relationships.
The testimony of a plucky participant inspires attendees to nurture new believers and members.
“Back to Basics” retreat requires meal preparation in the manner of their 19th century ancestors and reminds women of the essentials in cooking and in their commitment to God.
God Loves You ministry is the passion of a businesswoman who devotes much of her time to being God's instrument for sharing God's love and mercy in her town in the Central Philippines.
Women passing by are invited to join an afternoon tea and fellowship going on right there in the city park.
São Tomê and Principe
An enditnow march to bring awareness to the dangers of domestic violence concludes the weekend on Principe.
Serbia and Macedonia
A team of bakers receive highest award for their ten healthy, homemade breads.
Serbia and Macedonia
Adventist women in Serbia begin fulfilling goals for Total Member Involvement, a Seventh-day Adventist worldwide church initiative, through evangelism training.
Serbia and Macedonia
Heart-shaped armrest pillows for physical therapy patients recovering from breast surgery are sent "From Heart to Heart" ministry.
Attendees learn about family reconciliation at this one-day retreat setting in Switzerland.
Attracting a large group of women for a congress is usually difficult in Thailand, but 575 women came and even brought 30 friends with them.
Women of various nationalities living in Turkey learn how to reach areas others cannot reach.
Attendees inspired by testimony of woman who prepared 15 souls for baptism, including her formerly abusive husband.
United Kingdom
The British empowerment program, Women of Virtue, is expanding its function. Volunteers are being trained to use it as an evangelistic tool for outreach.
Reach the World International Leadership Conference
More than 600 ministry leaders from around the world attend the conference in Budapest.
2017 New Year's message
Heather-Dawn Small gives thanks to God the Father for the blessings He bestows on her.