This GC Women’s Ministries’ mental health resource empowers 4,000 women at a WM union congress for becoming “Women in Mission.”
"We are better together," the motto of Adventist women in Sydney, also expresses the vision of the worldwide church initiative Total Member Involvement.
The much-anticipated annual Breathe congress convenes in Sydney's waterfront park.
Her baptism four months later brings great joy to the heart of Raquel Arrais who talked with her at the congress and provided continued email encouragement during Margarita's Bible study.
"The Beauty in You" WM conference topics catch the attention and imagination of young Adventist women in southern Botswana.
Itinerant shipping container assists the community and refugees in northwest Brazil.
"Evangelization Week of Women's Ministry" in June motivates church growth in three southeastern coastal states of Brazil.
Burkina Faso
Eastern Sahel Union Mission women's ministries congress includes a baptism at end of evangelistic meetings and graduation for leadership certification training.
Burkina Faso
The graduation ceremony included the awarding of continuing education certificates from Andrews University School of Distance Education
The Caribbean
North Caribbean Conference holds a certification seminar in Virgin Gorda and a St. Vincent march is reported on TV—see video footage here.
Côte d'Ivoire
The risks of teenage pregnancy are explored by Adventist secondary students.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
People attending seminars about mental health and how to stop smoking and drinking are also invited to attend evangelistic meetings.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
After his baptism, a Pentecostal pastor, well-known from his national television show, is confronted by his angry (former) church members and his wife.
East-Central Africa Division
The next time you eat a carrot, think of vegetable evangelism in East Africa.
El Salvador
Women of the smallest country in Central America are totally involved in mission and are preaching the good news in their communities.
El Salvador
Goals for enditnow® were met and some more—including a baptism of a young man.
French Polynesia
All church members in the islands hear the enditnow Emphasis Day sermon through the uplinked broadcast of Adventist Media French Polynesia.
Led by women, the churches in southern Ghana go beyond church walls and take to the streets to share the message of enditnow: Adventists Say No to Violence.
After accepting the challenge to graduate from all four levels of WM Leadership Certification, 526 women are reaping spiritual rewards from these life-enriching courses.
Three Seventh-day Adventist organizations address the issue of violence against women and children at a national congress attended by 150 organizations.
The man in Tübingen presenting the enditnow® sermon from the resource packet is personally affected by the emotional abuse message.
Attendees are spiritually recharged and fervently praying for their families and neighbors.
Ever since the last women's ministries congress, women have been saving their pocket change in piggy banks to bring back for the Munderi Church renovation fund.
One participant makes decision to fully accept Jesus as her Savior and is baptized the following Sabbath.
enditnow® conference calls for church and government partnerships in the country.
Women's Ministries in West Kenya Union Conference defines its goals for Muslim Relations.
Korean women shine a light on domestic abuse at the busiest transportation hub, Seoul Station.
Wonderfully Created, a special magazine, was printed for distribution during health expo outreach activities.
"Making a Difference" retreat in Beirut reminds women of the University Church how much influence they have in their families, congregation, and communities.
WM convention inspires commitment and devotion in women of central Philippines.
Puerto Rico
A day of praise, fellowship, and commitment leads 900 women in becoming a helpmate for God and for their families.
Single women are encouraged by stories of the accomplishments of Biblical characters when God is their True Partner.
Russian Federation
WM leader in western Russia mentors pre-teens in her church congregation.
Russian Federation
When young girls attend a special "camp meeting" at church in Moscow, the young boys ask for one also.
Russian Federation
Four departments of the Caucasus Union Mission launch Mary and Martha magazine to reach women.
Russian Federation
Adventist women reach out to non-church women through this popular friendship camp.
Russian Federation
Master classes build up spiritual, emotional, and spiritual life with an inviting environment for friends of church members.
Adventist women provide medical supplies for Muslim women at a maternity clinic during outreach activities at the congress.
Women's Ministries department joins Health, Children's, and Youth Ministries in promoting Adventist values.
Solomon Islands
Beverly Maega, former women's ministries director for Solomon Islands Mission, is reinstated two years later, and the first event for single women in the South Pacific Division is held in Honiara.
Discovering their relationships with God and other women provides participants at the women's ministries retreat a new vision of God and also of themselves.
WM congress theme, "Daughters of the King," reminds women from Southeast Asia how much our heavenly Father loves and treasures us.
In each congregation in Turkey, a WM leader is actively engaged in leadership training.
This leadership training manual is reviving the ministry of women in each congregation of the country.
United Kingdom
British Union WM congress focuses on Esther and her attributes of the Proverbs 31 woman: Courage, Faith, Prayer and Fasting, Wisdom, and Inner and Outer Beauty.
United Kingdom
Time for prayer and admitting life's struggles encourages women to put aside the pretense that everything is fine when it is not.
United Kingdom
Women's Ministries and ADRA-UK collaborate on a 60-minute educational program focusing on gender parity.
United States of America
"CONNECTions" with God and others is the theme of Southern Union Conference women's ministries convention.
More than 1,500 women of the Southwest Venezuela Conference are planning to graduate from a four-year training program for various ministries in the church.
More than 600 women attend an uplifting weekend of meetings that motivates them to continue faithfully serving God.
For the first time, the Adventist churches of Chipata participate in the International Women's Day of Prayer.
Joining the worldwide women’s ministries with its special focus on our teens and youth, Lusaka promotes “Young Women: Identity in Christ.”
Women's ministries leaders are passionate about training women for serving in positions of leadership.
Other outreach activities include healthy food taste-testing and recipe exchanges, and a new health club attracting eleven women who are now considered "pre-Adventists."
Euro-Asia Division
WM union directors report that the resources, warm atmosphere, and inspiring ideas gained from each other are the best part of WM planning meetings.
South American Division
Walks, health expos, and lectures took place throughout the division to warn about suicide
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
More than 4,500 women attend Women's Ministries mission-themed division-wide congress in Pretoria.
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
Believing that prevention is better than cure, enditnow® Emphasis Day activities take place across southern Africa.
Southern Asia Division
Southern Asia Division women's ministries leaders are trained to meet the six challenges for women worldwide and for reaching non-Christians.
West-Central Africa Division
Adventist women use innovative ways to pray for their families, communities, and countries of West Africa.
Women's Ministries embraces the new year with thankfulness and hope
Much work has been done to nurture, empower, and inspire our women to reach out, and many women are participating in Total Member Involvement.