Women observe enditnow® Emphasis Day
Did you know another form of domestic abuse is abandonment?
Southern-Asia Pacific Division (SSD)
[Bangladesh] Women in Bangladesh observed enditnow® Emphasis Day on the fourth Sabbath of August 2020. However, this is not a story about outreach to bring awareness to the community or escaping domestic violence, but it is a painful story of many women.
Last October, I went to southern Bangladesh for a church inauguration program. Many women were present there. After the program some women came to me and asked for financial help. That day I didn’t give much according to their needs. It was a heartbreaking situation for me. They told me that many women of the villages are abandoned by their husbands. Forced to stay home alone with their children and without an income, they have many needs.
From the little I heard, I feel so sad about their life stories. I plan to return to the villages next year and assist with as many of their needs as possible. Please pray for these women and for Bangladesh Women's Ministries because we have much work to do.
Contributed by Mahuya Roy, Women's Ministries director for Bangladesh Union Mission
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2021 Q1, Winter issue