Botswana Celebrates Twenty-five Years of Women's Ministries
Susan Williams gives personal testimony to what Women's Ministries means to her.
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID)
Adventist Women’s Ministries has had a profound impact on my life. Through diverse programs, this department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church has empowered and equipped me to reach my potential as a daughter, wife, mother, sister, friend, and leader.
Through the enrichment program and resources offered, the Women's Ministries department helped me with my own spiritual journey and growth. I will be forever grateful for our spirit-led directors at the General Conference and Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division. They mentored, inspired, motivated, and encouraged me in my walk as a daughter of the King. Their servant leadership has had a tremendous impact on my life.
I hope that as a receiver of these blessings, I can perpetuate the same encouragement to the others for whom I lead.
I thank WM for the “sisterhood” spirit.
Contributed by Susan Williams, Women's Ministries director for Botswana Union Conference
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2020 Q4, fall issue