East-Central Africa WM Activities during COVID-19
Vegetable gardening training held for women to begin growing produce and sharing it with neighbors.
East-Central Africa Division (ECD)
The East-Central Africa Division through the Women’s Ministries Departments is experiencing situations leaders never thought will happen and impact our community the way we are testifying it today.
COVID-19 crisis has confirmed what we read in James 4:13,14. We were busy planning for 2020, but COVID-19 surprised us and obliged us to adjust and adapt our activities according to the circumstances communities are facing.
Praise the Lord women’s leaders are responding positively to the crisis. Adventist women are reaching out to thousands of people who are in need: people who are hungry in their homes (especially in slums), in prisons, and families touched by flood situations in our territory. These include: Food, water, clothes, kitchen items, and many more…
But they are also distributing masks and sanitizers in the community, children’s homes. They have transformed their offices to stores where they keep their contributions ready for distribution. They are also promoting and observing social distancing and wearing masks while reaching out to people.
Students who have decided to be busy while the school is closed organized the Girls on the Go Projects. They are earning an income, contributing to supply their homes, venturing in entrepreneurship, and protecting themselves to HIV and pregnancies by making themselves busy and taking advantage of their time during this crisis period.
Women are spending time in their gardens during this uncertain time growing more vegetables which they share with their neighbors. This is a way of showing Jesus’ love even during this COVID-19 crisis.
The Pandemic has not stopped women in ECD territory to spread the Word of God, they do Bible study using many platforms which include: WhatsApp groups, Zoom, Facebook Live and even the face-to-face meetings with reduced numbers in some countries where there is no lockdown. Souls are being baptized. Other programs are broadcast on Hope Channel.
Women are testifying doing great things and reaching more people they never reached in normal time before COVID-19. We praise the Lord.
Challenges are always there, especially in countries where there was no lockdown according to some countries’ leaders. People are mingling without any protection and our women are reaching out to the in needy in the community.
Our prayer is that God will continue to use our women who give hope to people and will continue protect them. The work is huge because people are hungry.
We greatly appreciate our Women’s leaders for what they are doing during this crucial period. Thank you for praying for our sisters here in East-Central Africa Division. Our God is surely at work.
By Debbie Maloba, director of Women's Ministries for East-Central Africa Division
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2020 Q4, fall issue