enditnow® Video Messages
August 28, 2021 | Pastor Ted Wilson and his wife Nancy talk about the problem with porn.
August 21, 2021 | Adventist News Network dives deep with Dr. Renee Drumm about abuse in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
enditnow® NAD Media
North America enditnow media and videos from Summits on Abuse may be viewed here
Church Leaders Speak Out Against Domestic Violence and Abuse
August 22, 2020 | These three video statements are recorded by church leaders for the enditnow® initiative. They speak passionately against domestic violence and abuse and collectively declare, "End it now!"
Solomon Maphosa, president of the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division: "Women and children should be loved, protected, and not massacred. The news of late is of murder and rape of our women and children. We are tired of this, gentlemen! This is a call for all real men to end it now. This curse of murder of women and children should end. We must end it now!" YouTube video
Glenn Townend, president of the South Pacific Division: “I call on all men to declare that they will never commit, excuse, or remain silent about any abuse or violence within in our churches, institutions, or communities. Domestic violence is just not acceptable in any home – let alone those homes who hold up the values of Jesus. There is never a good reason to hurt your spouse and partner. I am passionate about this! So join with me to end it now!” Facebook video
Ted NC Wilson, president of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church: "Abuse is a topic no one ones to talk about, but it must be addressed if we are going to carry out our message of hope and healing. Abuse comes in many forms, and sadly, abuse exists everywhere, even within the church. We must open our eyes to the fact; we must recognize the problem. As Seventh-day Adventists, we condemn abuse in all of its forms and embrace the healing ministry of Jesus." YouTube video
The President of the worldwide church of Seventh-day Adventists with his wife
Ted NC Wilson and Nancy Wilson speak out against domestic abuse and violence
August 24, 2017, Ted NC Wilson, YouTube video
August 24, 2017, Nancy Wilson, YouTube video