GC Women's Ministries Leadership Certification continues virtually in Indonesia
Leadership conference features General Conference WM leaders, Heather-Dawn Small and Raquel Arrais
Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD)
[Indonesia] Virginia Baloyo, Women's Ministries director for Southern Asia-Pacific Division, held an online Women's Ministries Leadership Certification training conference, May 22-23, 2021, in West Indonesia Union Mission. Heather-Dawn Small, General Conference Women's Ministries director, and Raquel Arrais, associate director, made guest presentations during the virtual meetings.
"These pictures paint a thousand words! How we’ve been blessed by your inspiring and wonderful messages and cheerful services!" writes Baloyo, thanking Small and Arrais for their live presentations of encouragement and guidance.
"Praise God for you and for the 1,282 women being encouraged to be Jesus’ leaders and trained to be better leaders and mentors!"
Contributed by Virginia Baloyo, director of Women's Ministries for Southern Asia-Pacific Division
Photos: SSD WM | Virginia Baloyo
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2021 Q2, spring issue