The Power of Prayer Turns Fear and Worry Into Peace
This woman's prayers are answered—two family members experience spiritual revival when their thoughts turn toward God during the pandemic.
Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD)

[Japan] Chizuko Asakawa, of the East Japan Conference, admits she never dreamed her church would need to close down. Perhaps the loss of physical support from church members and friends caused Chizuko to become worried the virus would infect her family; but through personal prayer, God has given her His peace.
God also answered her prayers above and beyond what she expected on behalf of two family members. A daughter and a niece are experiencing spiritual revival in their lives, partly due to the pandemic turning their thoughts toward God.
Chizuko is full of praise to God for these direct answers to prayer!
Written by Akemi Duarte, Women's Ministries director of the Japanese Union Conference
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2020 Q3, summer issue