

Written by Ardis Stenbakken, this seminar is for single adults, young women, and those who minister to them. Many times singles feel alone and left out and many times the church is guilty of making the problem even worse. Many of our programs, many of our sermons, many of our publications are focused on the family--interpersonal relationships within the family.

Although a single person belongs to a family, they usually is not living as part of a family. Young adults face many challenges--some are the same as married adults; some are different. This seminar looks particularly at some of the challenges found because of loneliness, desire for companionship, sexual desires, and the fact that many single adults feel that they are spiritually incomplete or that others believe they are spiritually incomplete. Other challenges include fear of eating alone, sleeping alone, working alone, thinking alone, not having someone to talk to about ideas, praying alone, worshipping alone. This seminar will address these issues and find solutions, such as learning how to be happy by yourself and with yourself and establishing a closer relationship with Christ.

Finding value and wholeness in God will give you happiness. When you are worthwhile to God, you will be doing something worthwhile for yourself, and thus be doing something worthwhile for others. So enjoy being who you are—because one is a whole number. A very important number. Jesus would have died for one person—for you. You are a a whole number, you are an important person in the church, you are an important person to Jesus Christ.

ENGLISH Zip File | Presenter's script Word | PowerPoint PPT | Handout PDF

GERMAN Zip File | Presenter's script Word | PowerPoint PPT | Handout PDF