Bangladesh Women's Health Evangelism Program Results in 13 Baptisms
Bangladesh Women's Health Evangelism Program Results in 13 Baptisms
Approximately 70 people attended the “Women and Health Evangelism Program” at the Kellogg Mookherjee Memorial Seminary (KMMS) at South Bangladesh Mission last month. South Bangladesh Mission officers and workers, KMMS workers, laywomen, 10 standards students from KMMS, and many ladies from other areas came to join in the program.
The theme was taken from Proverbs 17:22: “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Dr. Douglas D. Roy, Pastor Edward P. Chambugong, Pastor Daniel Baidya, Usha Boidya and Lucena Chambugong presented the lectures.
Attendees received free weight measuring, blood pressure checkups, and medicine for some general diseases. ADRA Bangladesh assisted the program by giving medicines. The left over medicines were donated to hostels. All the women and the boys and girls were so happy for this.
Just after the health program the women visited outside of the campus. They went to some homes, talked to the people, and prayed for them.
On Sabbath, the program started earlier. After the Sabbath class discussion, 13 souls were baptized because they had accepted Jesus Christ. Each baptismal candidate received a Bible. Pastor Chambugong preached in the worship service. After the service a fellowship lunch was provided for all the attendees and the students.
“ We all have enjoyed the whole programs and we believe that we have received abundant blessings from God.” - Lucena Chambugong
Focus on the News
Focus On The News
Touch a Heart, Tell the World: Community Involvement
Women’s Ministries Trees
Southern Asia-Pacific Division, Indonesia: A Women’s Ministries tree initiative mobilized more than 300 women from Papua, Indonesia, to plant 1000 trees at the Freeport International Corporation natural reserve in Timika City; by this initiative, the women contributed to the environment development and with the privilege to make the difference.
Adventists March in Campaign Against Domestic Violence
Inter-American Division, Puerto Rico: Hundreds of Seventh-day Adventist women carried a 600-foot-long banner through the streets of San Juan, Puerto Rico. A visual representation of the church’s campaign against domestic violence in Puerto Rico, the banner was covered in 7,500 handprints collected from fellow islanders in a show of support.
Sewing Skills Training Start-up
Southern-Asia Pacific Division, Bangladesh: Women make up a large percentage of the world’s poor, and learning a vocational skill can be the ticket for her to get out of poverty. In Bangladesh, Women’s Ministries has started a sewing machine program helping the women to have an extra income and giving them hope for the future.
Dorcas and Women’s Ministries Join Hands
Inter-American Division, Colombia: “Women, the Victory in Your Hands” is the theme for the integrated program between Dorcas and Women’s Ministries in the Colombia Union. The women are working together under the same umbrella to reach the same goal: to bring more women to Christ. The women know that the more they are united the more they grow. This integration is resulting in a great blessing. In the church, the women are being equipped to be able to serve the church more effectively.
Abuse Prevention Day
South American Division, West Central Brazil Union Mission: A public program in the Brasilia City Park mobilized the community and called attention to a problem that affects thousands of children throughout the country. Three support tents were set up to accomplish the project.
Caring for HIV/AIDS Women
Southern Asia Division, India: The HIV virus is spreading rapidly in India. Women have been receiving training on how to use the Women’s Ministries HIV/AIDS flip chart to educate for prevention and care. The leaders are ready to use the information in their villages to provide awareness and education to women and their families.
Keeper's Page: Inspiration for You
Keeper’s Page : Inspiration for You
Personal Growth
The Bible is the Book of relationships. From Genesis all the way to the book of Revelation, the Bible speaks about the relationships with God and with one another. Therefore, as Christian leaders, it is very important for us to seek the biblical principles of relationships.
Follow the Steps of Jesus
The secret of a successful relationship is found in Peter’s first epistle: “For even hereunto were called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example that ye should follow His Steps” (1 Peter 2:21).
Long before modern psychologists flooded the world markets with books on influencing human behavior, Jesus Christ has shown, by precept and example – how to be a great leader. His example left His followers a rich legacy in the field of personal relations.
- Jesus identified Himself closely with the interest and the needs of others: Jesus drew people to Himself because He took a personal interest in them. He associated Himself with the hopes, joys, and problems of their everyday lives. They longed to be in His company, for He made it evident that He found pleasure in being with them.
- Jesus sought to avoid giving offense. Mrs. White said that, “In every gentle and submissive way, Jesus tried to please those with whom He came in contact.” E.G. White, Desire of Ages, p. 85
- Jesus drew the people to him by being friendly. When Jesus met a rich young ruler whom He longed to lead into His kingdom, the Bible says,” Jesus looked steadily at him, and His heart warmed toward him” (Mark 10:21). Jesus drew men to Himself by His friendliness.
- Jesus was thoughtful of the feelings of others. By studying the life of Jesus, we learn how He gave the people around him something to eat when they were hungry. He allowed the disciples rest when they were tired. When they were disheartened, He encouraged them; and when they were grieving, He spoke words of comfort to them. In every need, the Master was thoughtful of the feelings of His associates
Leadership level 4 –
The Nature of Relationship in Leadership by Kathleen
growth is a choice and is necessary to deepen
our relationship with God, the
Lord Jesus
Christ, and the Holy Spirit. It is making Jesus the
Lord of our lives."
A Greatful Heart
A Greatful Heart
Keeping a Gratitude Journal
When you continuously express things you are grateful for, it trains your brain to begin focusing on things you like about your life instead of the things you don’t.
Gratitude journals help to build faith and good attitude. In order to receive the benefits from a gratitude journal you need to keep one everyday for at least two weeks. You should also write down at least 5 items each day
It’s also important to do it even when you feel bad. In fact, that’s when it’s most beneficial. You will begin to see that even on your bad days, you always have something to be grateful for.
You’ll also notice that as you continue to keep a journal, you’ll start finding more and more to write about.
“ Nothing
taken for granted; everything received with
gratitude; everything
on with grace.” -G.
K. Chesterton
More energy and Optimism
Research suggests that grateful people have more energy and optimism, are less bothered by life’s hassles, are more resilient in the face of stress, have better health, and suffer less depression than the rest of us. People who practice gratitude-and yes, it is something one can learn and improve-are also more compassionate, more likely to help others, less materialistic, and more satisfied with life.