Focus on the news

Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division

Botswana Union Women's Ministries Confront HIV/AIDS Issues


More than 25.8 million people in sub-Saharan Africa are living with AIDS, translating to 64% of the population.

Over 157 participants from churches across Botswana attended the HIV/AIDS "Trainer of Trainers" seminars conducted by Doctors Giodanio from Adventist AIDS International Ministry and Dr. Alex Llaguno from the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division. The training was held earlier this year at the Botswana University.


The seminar addressed different issues: Youth, Compassion and Caring, History of HIV/AIDS, Transmission and Prevention Methods, and General Counseling Techniques.

People living with AIDS often lose their jobs, families, and friends. By starting a church based support group, members can help to make a difference.

Botswana falls within the first 10 countries for prevalence rate and people living with AIDS. In Africa there are more than 6,000 deaths a day due to HIV/AIDS. With 60% of woman living with AIDS the outlook is bleak. It is estimated that 10 million young people are living with HIV/AIDS, and only a very small percentage know that they have the disease.

After the seminar, the participants signed a pledge to commit themselves to making a difference towards fighting the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

Susan Williams
Botswana WM director (SID)


Euro-Africa Division

Romanian Women Complete Leadership Training

Over three hundred women converged on the Adventist church facilities in Stupini, Romania, September 5 - 7, 2008, to complete Level 4 of the General Conference Women's Ministries (GCWM) leadership certification course.

Heather-Dawn Small, GCWM director and Christiane Vertallier, Euro-Africa Division WM director, were present during this final segment of the training and were happy to see that many of the women in attendance had also completed Levels 1 - 3.

This program was planned and organized by Silvia Dima, Romania Union WM director. Dima is committed to seeing women trained and empowered to work for God, and this enthusiasm has been conveyed to the women who were eager for more information. Her goal is to equip every church WM leader with skills to be able to carry out her commission from God and to feel a sense of worth because of what they have learned. Women in Romania are ready to face the challenges because they know that God goes before them always.


East-Central Africa Division

First Women's Ministries Division Congress, Uganda

The women came by the hundreds to attend the first division WM congress in the city of Kampala, Uganda, from July 23 - 26, 2008. Preparations had been made by Joy Gashaija, ECD WM director and her team of hard working ladies.

The theme for the congress was "Women, Discover Your Value." The languages were varied but the message of God's love and affirmation for each of His daughters was understood by all.

The main speakers for the congress were Heather-Dawn Small, GCWM director, Priscille Metonou, West-Central Africa Division WM director, and other women's leaders from the division.

The opening day began with a march of about 1,000 women dressed in the WM uniform of their country. They marched through the streets of Kampala with banners proclaiming the Six Challenge Issues that women face around the world and in Africa.

We thank God for the support of the church leadership In ECD and for God's many blessings, but most of all that our sisters were empowered and filled by the Holy Spirit.