Focus on the News
Southern Asia-Pacific Division
One Hundred Bibles for One Hundred Women
The Women's Ministries (WM) of the Laguna District in the Philippines conducted a program called "B=B" (Bible = Baptism). The kick-off was held in an elementary school gymnasium in February of this year. The one hundred women committed themselves to conduct Bible studies. Helen Gulfan, WM Director of Southern Asia Division; Esther Daquila, WM Director of North Philippine Union Mission; and Luz Villanueva, WM Director of the South-Central Luzon Conference, were in attendance and gave support to the program.
Now the women are occupied giving Bible studies-some through one- to-one, but mostly in small groups. They plan a combined baptism date at the end of July, 2009. Please include them in your prayers.
Source: SSD WM
ADRA Gives Voice to Women
Victims of gender-based violence told their stories through video presentations at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women last month.
The digital storytelling seminar, sponsored by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), highlighted mini documentaries as a way to inform communities about gender violence.
Many ADRA projects around the world provide women with opportunities to become self-sufficient, and sponsoring digital storytelling is another step in that direction, an ADRA spokesperson said.
"By supporting communication methods that allow [women] to speak candidly about their personal challenges and aspirations, we are giving them a voice that will ultimately contribute toward transforming their own communities for the better," noted Hearly Mayr, ADRA's director for public awareness.
Source: ANN/Nadia McGill
Photo: Hearly Mayr, Copyright: ADRA International
Women's Emphasis Day June 13
Worshipping From the Heart
God calls for each of us to "worship Him in spirit and truth" (John 4:24 KJV). So on Women's Ministries Emphasis Day, a special day for women around the world, we are calling each of you, our sisters and our brothers, to worship God with all your heart and soul; to give Him first place in your lives and to live so that others will worship Him also.
As you share this information with our sisters in the church pew, we ask that you also share with them some information about Women's Ministries around the world.
For more information and to download the free packet go to: 2009 WM Emphasis Day Packet
Euro-Africa Division
Unifying the Vision
On April 9, the Women's Ministries Departments in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland launched the newly translated Pastor's and Elder's Handbook for Women's Ministries for their territories. The book is a complete guide for local church leaders prepared by GCWM department and fully supported by the GC Ministerial Association. This initiative will encourage leaders in these countries to support women as part of the church's overall strategy to prepare people ready for Jesus' return.
Source: South German Union Conference WM