Inter-America Division: Women in Leadership Conference

Inter-American Division: Women in Leadership Conference
February 9 to 11, 2010, marked an historic event for the Inter-American Division. More than 200 enthusiastic and expectant women leaders met in Miami, Florida, USA, for the first Women in Leadership Conference, division-wide.
This program was made possible by the vision of our Division president, Dr. Israel Leito, and the Women's Ministries director, Dr. Gloria Trotman. Women in leadership positions met to learn and share strategies for empowering women in ministry. The theme was "Women in Leadership Making a Difference." The key text was Proverbs 31:10, challenging every woman to have a noble and strong character to be the effective and humble leader God wants her to be.
During the opening ceremony the IAD ladies modeled their colorful national costumes, and the audience was addressed by Her Excellency Lady Allen, the wife of the Governor General of Jamaica. The leaders from the General Conference, Heather-Dawn Small, WM Director, and Raquel Arrais, WM Associate Director, challenged and motivated the attendees to stand behind the enditnow initiative. All people present were blessed by the well delivered devotional thoughts, seminars, and calls to improve their personal lives and ministries. The presenters used their knowledge and experience in order to share and lead an unstoppable force of women willing and committed to be part of the group with the mission to spread the good news of salvation.
By M. Dinorah Rivera, IAD WM Assistant Director
"Women can be instruments of righteousness, rendering holy service. The refining, softening influence of Christian women
is needed in the great work of preaching the truth."
Ellen G. White, Evangelism, 471
Focus on the News
United Nations invite women to be a voice to violence against women
"Although the United Nations is making progress, far more action is needed to help curb the global problem of violence against women. We live in a unique moment as a church in that we hold resources and strategies to help to educate our women and men to face this issue and be an active voice against it" said the Seventh-day Adventist Church Women's Ministries Director, Heather-Dawn Small, while attending the 54th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) on February 28 to March 9. Small applauded the ongoing effort of the church to implement the enditnow campaign throughout the 13 divisions and to implement the 4th Sabbath of August as the Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day at the local Church level. "These are ways women can be proactive and make a difference."
"Women and girls continue to experience violence at intolerably high levels," comments Raquel Arrais, GCWM Associate Director, who also attended the CSW Conference. "As women leaders we have tremendous moral and spiritual influence to be powerful agents for prevention, education, and advocacy" she added.
Katia Reinert, Health Ministry Coordinator for Washington Adventist Hospital, who attended CSW for the first time, said, "How fantastic to be at CSW and to meet hundreds of talented, compassionate women leaders from all over the world who were totally committed to partnering in improving the life and health of women and girls."
This year's CSW drew more than 7,000 women worldwide and about 100 member states from countries such as Senegal, China, Uganda, Brazil, Italy, Kenya, and Australia.
Joy Butler, responsible for the Adventist Health System in East Central Africa division, also attended the conference.
Touches of Life
South American Division
In November last year the Northeast Brazil Union Mission held a Women's Ministries spiritual retreat. With the theme "Touches of Life," the meeting brought together 120 indigenous women of various tribes.
Under the coordination of the pastoral couple, Arnulfo and Leide Alipaz, who are part of the Roraima Amazon Conference, the retreat addressed relevant issues about finance, child education, family, self-esteem, and evangelism.
In the closing segment of the meeting, one indigenous woman who had already been studying the Bible with a group of women from the Bananal Church, decided to be baptized. This was one of the most solemn moments of the meeting, where other visitors also decided to study the Word of God.
Source: SAD Women's Ministries
enditnow in Zambia
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
The president of the Zambia Union Conference, Pastor Harrington Akombwa, urged the church in Zambia to join hands to end violence against women and girls.
This took place on March 3 during initiative's local launch organized by the Women's Ministries Director, Beatrice Mwandil at the church's headquarters in Lusaka. After the launch, the officers, departmental directors, and staff members signed the petition sheet and the banner.
In attendance were Women's Ministries directors from all the conferences/fields in the Zambia Union, as well as the Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division Women's Ministries Director, Caroline Chola. These leaders were urged to go out to launch the program and gather as many signatures as they could. They were also requested to ensure that local coordinators were elected in each church to coordinate the program.
Source: SID Women's Ministries
Inspiration for You: 6 Biblical Ways for Building Relationships
Jesus, our example in all things, demonstrated methods for creating freedom in relationships. How do we follow His example and apply these principles in real life?
- Protect your friend's reputation - Jesus our example: He knew all about the woman taken in adultery, and He knew all about the leaders who accused her of committing adultery, but He wrote their sins in the dust so they would be blown away by a puff of wind. He did not expose their sins publicly. He protected their reputations. John 8:2-11.
- Employ the language if acceptance - Jesus our example: He accepted everyone: rich, poor, rulers, servants, untouchables. "Every soul was precious in His eyes; in all men He saw fallen souls whom it was His mission to save." The Desire of Ages, p. 353.11.
- Encourage other relationships - Jesus our example: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...." Matthew 28:19, RSV.
- Be cautious with criticism - Jesus our example: "He exercised the greatest tact and thoughtful, kind attention in His intercourse with people. He was never rude, never needlessly spoke a severe word, and never gave needless pain to a sensitive soul. He did not censure human weakness. He fearlessly denounced hypocrisy, unbelief, and iniquity, but tears were in His voice as He uttered His scathing rebukes." The Desire of Ages, p. 353.
- Allow for solitude - Jesus our example: "After sending the people away, He went up a hill by himself to pray." Matthew 14:23, TEV.
- Be ready for change in your relationships - Jesus our example: "I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, who will stay with you forever.... When I go, you will not be left all alone; I will come back to you." John 14:16 & 18, TEV.
Source: "Friendship, God's Gift to Bless Our Lives",
By Lou Blanchfield - Produced by GCWM
Longer Life
Studies on women show that those who maintained strong bonds with people outside the home tended to be healthier as they grew older. Those surrounded by friends have longer life expectancies compared to people who isolate themselves.
Less Stress
Studies say that when you're with a close friend, you are able to let loose and be yourself. As a result, your anxiety and stress level drop. Friends can help you rationalize situations, raise your self-esteem, and forget about little troubles that are on your mind.
Better Health
Friends also help us live better. The famed Nurses' Health Study from Harvard Medical School found that the more friends women had, the less likely they were to develop physical impairments as they aged, and the more likely they were to be leading a joyful life. In fact, the results were so significant, the researchers concluded, that not having close friends or confidants was as detrimental to your health as smoking or carrying extra weight.
Answer: The Bible is not silent when it comes to the subject of friendship. The word "friend" is found about ninety times in the Bible. Some general teaching about friendship. The Bible says, "A man that hath friends must show himself friendly" (Prov. 18: 24). There is great value in friendship. "Two are better than one," wrote the wise man (Eccl. 4: 9). A true friend will stand by, even in times of trouble. "A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity," the Bible says (Prov. 17: 17). Remember, Jesus is the ultimate friend of all people. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (Jn. 15: 13).
Proclaiming God's Grace with Love
General Conference Session: Meetings for Adventist Women
Proclaiming God's Grace with Love will bring women from all of the world to Atlanta, Georgia. A series of special meetings will be presented by Women's Ministries and Shepherdess International. The morning meetings will be held Monday through Thursday, June 28-July 1, from 9:30-10:45 am. Two afternoon seminars will be held on Tuesday and Thursday, June 29 and July1, from 2:00-4:00 pm.
All meetings will feature inspiring presenters who will explore topics of spiritual and personal growth, service, and daily living.
There will be simultaneous translation in the women's meetings in the following languages:
- French
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- Russian
Come and join us. No registration is required. The events take place in the Georgia Ballroom in building C, Level 3, Section 1-3.
Plenary Sessions
9:30-10:45 am
Monday, June 28 : Proclaiming God's Grace with Love...Through Spiritual Growth
Tuesday, June 29 : Proclaiming God's Grace with Love...Through Personal Touch
Wednesday, June 30 : Proclaiming God's Grace with Love...Through Personal Community Involvement
Thursday, July 1 : Proclaiming God's Grace with Love...Through Personal Praise.
Afternoon Presentations
2:00-4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, June 29 : Women's Health - Physical
Thursday, July 1 : Women's Health - Mental
Prayer Corner
- Heather-Dawn and Raquel travel to Malawi and Zimbabwe
- Enditnow Campaign :
- GC Session Women's Meetings
- Women in Haiti
- April 7: World Health Day
- April 1-6: General Conference Spring Meetings
- May 31: Scholarship Applications due to GCWM
- June 12: WM Emphasis Day. Free packets available now at www.