Marching to Heaven
Marching to HEAVEN
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
Women from Malawi and Zimbabwe sang the same song, "We are Marching to Jerusalem," as they come together for training and spiritual revival.
The title, "Tayandikira Kwathu" which means "Homeward Bound" was the theme for the second Women's Ministries congress held in Lilongwe, Malawi, Africa, where close to 1,000 women gathered. The congress was organized by Margaret Masamba, Women's Ministries Director, and her team.
Among the speakers at this congress were Heather Dawn Small, GC Women's Ministries Director; Raquel Arrais, GC Women's Ministries Associate Director; Dr. Janice Browne, a professor at Tennessee State University, who attended as guest of GC Women's Ministries; Saustine Mfune, President, Malawi Union; and Caroline Chola, who is the SID Women's Ministries Director.
Heather-Dawn Small officially launched the enditnow campaign. Women in the enditnow attire and singing the enditnow song divided into groups which marched all over the town of Lilongwe to sensitize people to the ill effects of violence against women and girls.
The guest of honor was Calista Chipola, first lady of Malawi. She commended the Seventh-day Adventists for creating the enditnow campaign and urged them to work hand in hand with governments that are dealing with the issue.
One of the highlights during the congress was a clinic tent where women, after a counseling session, were encouraged to go and to be tested for their HIV/AIDS status.
After the Malawi congress, Heather-Dawn Small, Raquel Arrais, Janice Brown, Caroline Chola and Rhoda Nthani traveled to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe for another Women's Ministries congress, this one at Solusi University, where over 3,000 women convened under the theme "When My Life's Work Is Ended."
During the official opening, which was attended by the Vice President of Zimbabwe, and the Honorable Joyce Mujuru, Minister of Gender, the enditnow banner was signed.
There were two venues, one for the adult women and one for the young women. The speakers rotated from one venue to the other, and the women were blessed.
Let us remember and pray for our sisters in Malawi and Zimbabwe.
Picture: Women in small groups dotted the venue, praying during breaks.
Focus on the News
Euro-Africa Division: Germany
The enditnow campaign was successfully implemented by ADRA Germany and the German Women's Ministries in the local churches of the German Unions. Both German Union Presidents support the campaign and encouraged the German Adventist churches to collect 50,000 signatures.
Each church got an information letter and was invited to use the material that is offered on the German enditnow website On this site, users can invite others and tell them about the campaign.
Many local churches already took the opportunity to host an event and to invite people to their churches or other venues to watch movies or listen to project reports. Many communities are involved in enditnow events and often the mayors from the communities are supporting these activities. There were already some very positive articles in local and national newspapers.
Picture: An enditnow event in Grafing collected 250 signatures
Trans-European Division
Carlisle, Cumbria, England
Carlisle church is running the enditnow campaign in the town center of Carlisle, Cumbria. Youth from Stockport church, accompanied by Pastor Geoff Smith, sang in the town center with a portable amplifier while others collected signatures. It is hoped that one million signatures will be obtained throughout England and handed to the United Nations by the end of May. Many conversations are started about all kinds of abuse, and some people are given light counseling, with a focus on not re-living but forgiving others, and cutting off the past by walking into a new abuse-free future.
The enditnow campaign was very well received in the town of Kragujevac, Serbia. The campaign started in the local Adventist churches but spread to the local community as well. The signatures for the petition have been collected at the main town square as well as before a concert titled "With Music against Violence." A total of 1714 signatures were collected.
The campaign was also implemented in the Smederevo district March 25 and 26. Promotion for the campaign was done in cooperation with the local municipality, the police, and the Center for Social Care. It was also promoted through special programs on the local TV channels and through articles in the daily news.
Picture Petition forms are distributed in the community
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
North and South Botswana
At the launch of the enditnow campaign in North Botswana, one of the ladies shared her story of how she was abused and mistreated by her husband. After attending a Women's Ministries program on abuse, she decided to do something about it. She is now a happy and content woman; to fully regain her self-confidence may take years, but by God's grace she is taking one step at a time. She is but one of many women who can testify about being silent rather than speaking out about, and changing, what they endure.
In South Botswana, Margaret Nasha, speaker of the Botswana Parliament, was the first to sign the petition and made a commitment to take the petition to parliament to have it signed by members of parliament.
Inspiration for You: Meetings for Adventist Women, Atlanta 2010
Meetings for Adventist Women
Atlanta 2010
A series of special meetings for women at the GC Session who are not delegates will be presented by Women's Ministries and Shepherdess International. The morning meetings will be held Monday through Thursday, June 28 - July 1, from 9:30-10:45 a.m. Two afternoon seminars will focus on Women's Health, and will be held Tuesday and Thursday, June 29 and July 1, from 2:00-4:00 p.m.
No registration is required.
These events take place in the Georgia World Congress Center in the Georgia Ballroom Building C - Level 3, sections 1-3.
All meetings will feature inspiring presenters who will explore topics of spiritual and personal growth, service and daily living and include music and reports from around the world.
There will be simultaneous interpretation in the Women's Meetings in the following languages: French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian.
Special Guest Speakers:
You Need A Library
You Need a Library
By Ardis Stenbakken
I believe that every Women's Ministries leader needs to be working on building up a library of books of special interest to women. In a small church you may have only a few books. If a larger church has a library, you can help add to the women's section. And if you are a conference, union, or division director, you need books to assist you with your work and to share with your leaders. You of course would want to read these yourself and have them to loan out to other leaders and women who work with you.
The books you might consider would be on topics of your special interest in working with women, plus books on Bible women, what the Bible says about women, women's health issues, abuse, working with teen girls, equality challenges, leadership, sermon and seminar preparation-well, you can see the list could go on and on.
It would be good to ask for a budget for buying these books-even a small amount can be a big help and you can add books over time. It could be fun to have a fund raising event such as yard sale or flea market with the idea of using it for books of special interest to your group.
If you buy books with budget or fund raising money rather than your own funds, you need to be sure to mark them as belonging to the department so that when someone takes your place, they will have the books. (Hopefully you will have mentored them so they understand the value of the books!) When I left the GC Women's Ministries department I found it hard to remember sometimes which were my books and which belonged to the department, so labeling them is a good idea.
In the months ahead, I will be sharing some suggestions of books I have found valuable--and maybe even some I thought were a waste of money-to give you ideas. And if you have found something good, let me know so we can include that too!
Happy reading and growing!
Prayer Corner
- 59th General Conference Session in Atlanta. A website has been initiated where we can come together in unity and prayer for the GC session. It has the provision for individuals and prayer groups/churches/institutions to designate one hour-or half an hour-to pray for the session. The website is
- June 5: World Environment Day
- June 13: Women's Ministries Emphasis Day. Download your free resources packet at