From Women's Ministries to You

From Women's Ministries to you:

General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Women's Ministries leaders share a message for the new quinquennium.

Dear Sisters: I greet you with joyful expectancy as we look forward to the next five years of working together to touch lives and tell the world about our Lord Jesus Christ. Our motivation comes from Isaiah 61:1-3 and Ministry of Healing p. 143. We know that God has called us to be His hands and arms of love to those in need in our communities and it is by helping those in need that we show them that God is love and that love draws them to Him.

Women's Ministries is about women involved in ministry to others. Our three areas of focus are nurture, empower, and outreach. We must nurture and love each other first if we are to nurture and love our sisters in the community. Paul tells us that God comforts us in our trials so that we can share that comfort with others (2 Cor. 1:3,4).

We are empowered by the many learning opportunities we have through the WM Leadership Certification Program and the many, many seminars that we make available to you our sisters so that we can become equipped women of God.

And finally, we reach out to help others. Even when we ourselves are going through our difficulties we need to reach out. The compassion that God builds in us through each trial is a gift from Him that we can give to those who need Jesus. Remember that when God uses you to save a life, the life you save may be your own.
We look forward to working with you for another five years and providing you with the resources you need for ministry. May God guide our path, guard our hearts, and give us the love, joy, and strength we need for each step of this journey.

Love and joy,

Heather-Dawn Small
Women's Ministries Director


Dear sisters, there is a time for everything. The bible tells us there is a time and season for everything. I believe that. I have never been more convinced that the time for us to touch and tell the world about Jesus Christ is NOW. This world is lost, hurting, and so many are without any hope. God is counting on us to proclaim the good news and heal the broken heart.

God has given us incredible gifts. Gifts if used for God's purpose will make a difference in the church and in the communities around us. We are called to do a great and decisive work. God chooses man and women to do this work. I have no doubt in my heart and mind that the season for touch a heart and tell the world is now. Together we need to move forward with plans to expand our outreach to touch more and more people every single day. I am one that believes our Lord is coming soon. I want to not only be found faithful serving Him at that moment, but want to tell as many as I can that He is my Savior.

One of our defining points in our mission statement challenges each Adventist woman with her potential to complement the gifts of other women and men as we work side by side to further the global mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Sisters, this is the call. This is the season. Are you ready?

May God be ahead of us as our shepherd. May God be beside us as our friend as we walk together another five years.

In Christ,

Raquel Arrais
Women's Ministries Associate Director


Focus on the News

Focus on the News

enditnow in Atlanta

Enditnow was present during the 59th General Conference Session in Atlanta.  Women were encouraged to go out and get signatures.  With pens, clipboards and enditnow petition sheets they hit the streets around Centennial Park.  "What I really want is to bring change, so I do whatever I can to help" said one of the women who collected more than 3,000 signatures.

Enditnow is a global campaign to raise awareness and advocate for the end of violence against women and girls.  It aims to mobilize Adventists around the world to join in to resolve this worldwide issue.  For more information go to


Women Leaders at General Conference

Lisa Beardsley, newly elected education director, is the most recent woman to be added to GC leadership.  She joins returning Ella Simmons, General Vice President; Rosa Banks, Associate Secretary; and Daisy Orion, Associate Treasurer; as well as current directors Linda Koh and Heather-Dawn Small.


Proclaiming God's Grace

59th General Conference Session

Women's Ministries Booth

If you ever wanted a place where you could stand and watch the world go by, working in the Women's Ministries booth at a General Conference Session would be the ideal spot. But you don't just watch; you get to see old friends, former co-workers, classmates, and interesting people from remote parts of the world, It is not just about meeting people, however.  You have the opportunity to answer questions about Women's Ministries, direct people to resources, and make suggestions for their own ministries.

The General Conference WM booth in Atlanta featured the six challenge issues that face women, and which give opportunities for ministry. It was rewarding to see both men and women stop and contemplate these issues. We also gave out buttons with the continuing WM theme for the new quinquennium: Touch a Heart, Tell the World. And were they ever popular! Working at the booth also gave Ardis Stenbakken the opportunity to tell people about the women's devotional book series and show the beautiful book, Love Out Loud, for 2011. Many women in your territories don't know about the books and were thrilled to learn about the scholarships which the books' proceeds support.

Proclaiming God's Grace with Love


In a spirit of joy and fellowship, women of world came together for the four days meetings during the 59th GC Session. "Proclaiming God's Grace with Love" meetings at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia June 28 to July 1, united over 3,000 women from every corner of the world.

Women were blessed. It was rewarding to see the smiles, the expressions on the ladies faces, and feel their energy coming from the various world church divisions.  There was a desire on the part of all who attended the WM meetings: to proclaim God's grace by touching a heart and telling the world about Jesus. The hearts of the women were touched, the minds were filled, and all left Atlanta committed to make a difference in the world.

Women's Ministries Devotional Book

Women's Ministries Devotional Book

Love out Loud, is the new devotional book for 2011. Edited by Ardis Stenbakken, this is the 19th in the series of devotional books written by women and for women. These authors come from all over the English speaking world, and selections were even translated and submitted.

Listen as women from around the world shout God's praise. Moments of joy and seasons of heartache are common in all of us, yet these women have learned to watch and listen for God's love in action--His love "out loud." They have recognized his hands reaching out in welcome, His tears sliding down the face of a beloved friend, His voice whispering words of encouragement. And even when He was silent and the world seemed to be crashing down around them, they have felt His presence. You never may have already heard His love out loud too.


Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day

August 28, 2010 -  The fourth sabbath in August has been designated as the Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day.  The packet for this year has been written by Dr. Lourdes E. Morales-Gudmundsson.  The focus is on Violence against Women and the title is:  GOD'S HOLY TEMPLE: TO PROTECT AND RESPECT.  To download the free packet, click here.


Women's Ministries 2009 Statistical Report

Baptisms: 127,545
Reclaimed Members: 28,849
Series of Evangelistic Meetings: 66,200
Training Seminars: 53,137
Other Meetings: 184,420
Retreats & Congresses: 24,870
SDA Women attending: 1,728,454
Non-SDA Women Attending: 145,661
Scholarships Awarded: 135

Prayer Corner

  • Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day
  • Abused women around the world
  • New elected leaders in Women's Ministries
  • Touch a Heart, Tell the World initiative
  • Raquel travel to SAD



  • August 9: International Day of the World's Indigenous People 
  • August 28: Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day