Women in Alaska REACH OUT
Women in Alaska REACH OUT
North American Division
The women of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Alaska are involved in doing much in their communities. Heather-Dawn Small, GC Women's Ministries (WM) Director, visited this state from July 13 to August 2, 2010. While there, Small did WM Leadership Certification training and attended the Glenallen women's retreat held at Red Eagle Lodge. The women spent time in prayer, discussion, sharing, and cardmaking; this inspired some of the women to begin their own cardmaking ministry as a community outreach/seed planting project.
Someone Cares for You
The women of Alaska are working on a "Pillow Ministry" for St Elias Specialty Hospital," a 36 bed unit for long term patients. WM adopted this project during this year's Alaska Conference annual women's retreat during a visit to the facility. Byrna Botimer of the Palmer church made twenty-six travel size pillows and cases to donate to St Elias. The hospital has since opened their doors to Adventist churches to come in and minister. Pillows will be donated on a continual basis as new patients enter the facility, and the churches will go in on a weekly/monthly basis to minister in music as well.
The Knitwits
Meet the Knitwits, an Alaskan Adventist women's group which began meeting once a week in a local coffee shop to knit bags out of wool for teen girls in foster care; the group quickly grew in size as women not related to the Adventist Church asked to join the group to help knit bags. Club members fill the completed bags with things teen girls like and distribute them to the "forgotten ones"-teens in foster care.
The knitting project officially started with the Women's Ministries department in January of last year at Hillside O'Malley Adventist church. Fifty bags were donated in December to the teens; this continues as an ongoing project. The focus for this year is on making more bags but also scarves, hats, sweaters for donation to "Safe Harbor Inn," a facility for homeless families to help them get back on their feet and into permanent employment and housing.
Focus on the News
Focus on the News
Women's Health Conference
Southern Asia-Pacific Division
The first Women's Health Congress held in Baguio city last April 22-25 was attended by 260 women. Plenary sessions and workshops were presented. Women underwent laboratory tests to check their cholesterol and sugar level as well as for cancer cells and hepatitis B. The majority of the delegates were found physically healthy.
The congress closed with a commitment service challenging each woman to recommit their lives to the health message: nurturing their souls inwardly and reaching out to the surrounding communities.
Mother-Daughter Retreat
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
The Botswana Union Women's Ministries department conducted a mother and daughter retreat on relationship building and communication at a holiday resort in Rustenburg, South Africa. Mothers and daughters (and a few fathers) came from across the country to attend the retreat. The conference was funded by NACA (the National AIDS Coordinating Agency) of Botswana.
The theme of the retreat was "Connecting with One Another." The interactive program addressed different topics such as mother and daughter communication, dealing with conflict, forgiving one another, respecting one another, and loving one another.
Saturday night a special mother-daughter gala dinner was held. The beauty of the dinner was to see the bonding of mothers and daughters and to see how beautiful they all looked.
First Women's Congress, Bulgaria
Euro-Africa Division
The first women's congress in Bulgaria was held in the capital earlier this year. Christianne Vertallier, the guest speaker and former Women's Ministries director from EUD, presented workshops: "Women's mental health," "How to develop a good self-esteem" and "Genetics and doctrines." An official lunch was held where each lady received a soft scarf as a symbol of God's loving embrace; a small pottery vessel with a chocolate treasure in it; and a special prayer printed on a beautiful card. The enditnow program was introduced as the women had special prayer for all past and present victims of abuse all over the world. Two hundred petitions were signed to stop violence against women and girls.
Inspiration for You: Affirmation for Volunteers!
Regular employees are motivated by affirmation-so think how important it is for volunteers! Appreciation does not have to require a great deal of money or a great deal of time, but it does take thought. Here are some ideas to help you let your volunteers know that their ministry to you and to the church is valued.
Organize appreciation events-public events to honor volunteers-Volunteer Appreciation Month, or special public affirmation during the Women's Ministries Emphasis Day.
Birthdays-an opportune time to let the volunteer know that they are special.
Say thanks for things others may take for granted.
The appreciation should reflect Women's Ministries values and strategies..
Personally congratulate employees who do a good job.
Write personal notes about good performance.
Make a thank-you card by hand.
Write five or more Post-it notes thanking the person for a job well done and hide them among the work on her desk or among her ministry materials.
Buy lunch for the person and three other volunteers of her choice.
Find out the person's hobby and give an appropriate private gift.
You have volunteered, and you may be volunteering right now. Thank you so much for what you are doing, for using your gifts, for making a difference. If you treat others the way you would like to be treated, you should be a success!
- Determine what you should and should not delegate.
- Delegate meaningful responsibilities to volunteers.
- Give volunteers the authority to carry out their task.
- Promote volunteers into places where they shine.
- Train potential volunteers as possible successors in your ministry
- Tell why scripturally-help volunteers to understand what the Bible really says about women and how Jesus included them.
- Keep them going-providing regular feedback and encouragement for their good work or improvement can go a long way to keep them going on the job.
- Get them to train others-providing opportunities for the more seasoned and experienced volunteers to train and mentor others helps to produce many more volunteers. Moreover, it gives the experienced volunteer a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction as she shares her skills and passion with new volunteers.
Source: Leadership Certification Level 3 "Managing Volunteers" by Linda Koh
"The Lord has a work for women as well as for men. They may take their places in His work at this crisis, and He will work through them . . . . They can do in families a work that men cannot do, a work that reaches the inner life. They can come close to the hearts of those whom men cannot reach. Their labor is needed."
Ellen G. White, Welfare Ministry, page 145.
Women in the Bible...and Me
Women in the Bible.......and Me
Suggestions for Small Group Study
The Bible study Women in the Bible and Me, prepared for GCWM, is a powerful tool for personal and small group Bible study. Each lesson features a different woman in the Bible, presenting different aspects of Christian life. Here are some ideas on how to use these lessons in a small group:
PRAYER: Open the study session with a time of prayer.
READING FROM THE TEXT: Encourage all participants to read the prescribed text ahead of time.
DISCOVERY: This is to provide a framework for studying about the character. What is the setting, time, the culture, the background? What did the text mean to those to whom it was originally written? What does it say about Jesus and God's character?
WORDS FOR TODAY: Encourage participants to apply the discoveries to their own lives.
QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION: Encourage sharing of members' personal stories and experiences.
Women in the Bible and Me is available through the Review and Herald and your local Adventist Book Center.
"Take the Bible, and on your knees plead with God to enlighten your mind. If we would study the Bible diligently and prayerfully every day, we should every day see some beautiful truth in a new, clear, and forcible light."
--Review and Herald, March 4, 1884. {CSW 22.2}
Prayer Corner
- Women involved with literacy projects
- Small group Bible studies
- Oppressed women and children around the world
- September 8: International Literacy Day
- September 21: International Day of Peace
- October 1: Devotional Book Deadline