Trained to Serve: Challenged to Reclaim
Trained to Serve: Challenged to Reclaim
SID Women Committed to Global Mission
Reclaimed Indeed
More than 3000 women from all over the Southern Africa Union attended the women's congress in Bloemfontein, South Africa, in August 7-9. The congress was intended to challenge women to be involved in the global mission of the church by reclaiming others for Christ. Presentations on reclaiming mental well being, health, and reclaiming other women for Christ filled the three days.
Another highlight was when Zodwa Kunene, SAU Adventist Women's Ministries (AWM) Director, honored all eight Women's Ministries directors who first directed the Union and the seven Conferences through the program "Honoring and Celebrating our Women." Caroline Chola, SID AWM Director, was also appreciated for her unfailing leadership and mentoring. The women praised God for the WM pioneers who prepared the way for the women of today.
GCWM Leadership Training in Namibia
A week-long leadership training brought a spiritual feast to 63 Namibian women. These women--and some men--joined together for the Women's Ministries Leadership Certification Level 1 training in Windhoek, Namibia. Zodwa Kunene was the main facilitator.
The women attended everyday for five days for 2- 3 hour sessions in the evenings after work. Among the attendees were Angolans sisters who are refugees and speak Portuguese; an excellent Portuguese translator was provided.
On Sabbath the women celebrated the International Women's Day of Prayer with all neighboring churches attending. In the afternoon, after much prayer for abused women and girls, and promoting the enditnow campaign, 61 women and three men graduated from the Level 1 training in a moving and exciting ceremony.
The week ended with a prayer breakfast on Sunday morning. The women left the meetings renewed and empowered to Touch a Heart and Tell the World.
Reported by Zodwa Kunene (SAU Women's Ministries Director)
Focus on the News
Focus On The News
Today, one out of every three women around the world has faced some form of violence, including sex trafficking, domestic abuse, sexual assault, honor killings, female genital mutilation, child marriage, emotional and verbal abuse, and other forms of violence. These practices are unacceptable and must end now.
Enditnow is a global campaign to raise awareness and advocate for the end of violence against women and girls around the world.
This campaign, which extends to more than 200 countries and territories, is a partnership between the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) and the Department of Women's Ministries of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
What can I do?
Sign the Pledge to:
- End Violence Against Women
- Be Bold
- Not Remain Indifferent
- Stand Firm for Peace
- Speak Out Against Abuse
- Promote Civility
- Empower Others to Act
- Mobilize my Peers
- Propose Solutions
- Advocate for Change
To sign the pledge, go to:
Inspiration for You:
Inspiration For You
Because our schedules are so full, there are things that have to go undone. That's not what God intends. He did not create us to be workaholics. He created us to be people. Jesus' ministry lasted only three years. There was much that could have been done. Yet Christ always took time for prayer and for people. He went away by Himself often to refresh and renew Himself and His relationship with His Father--setting an example for us.
- We need to include time in our schedules to take care of our bodies, our relationships, and our spiritual lives.
- Good health is important. Not only will it help us to live longer lives, but it will cause us to be more productive as well. Eating healthy foods, exercising, drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep, and fresh air will all help us to feel better, have more clarity in thinking, and give us more energy and focus. To live a healthy life does take some preplanning.
- Take time for relationships. In the scheme of things, our relationships with people are one of the most important parts of our lives. While we can't take our home, car, clothes, job, or other materials with us to heaven, we can impact the lives of our family and friends in such a way that they choose a relationship with Christ and heaven.
- Make time for God. This is the most important relationship in our lives. But it is also often one of the first things to go from our schedule. Write it on your schedule. Plan for it. Guard it.
When planning meetings, to make them more time efficient, remember the steps to organizing your day.
- First, pray about the agenda. If possible, also pray to open the meeting. Ask God's guidance and wisdom. Seek God's will. Too many times at meetings, even within churches and ministries, we attempt to get business done and totally forget to seek God's input on what He desires us to do.
- Set time limits for discussion. You may want to plan in advance how much time to spend discussing each item, as well as who will lead the discussion or explain the proposal.
- Prioritize your agenda. Begin with the most important topics. That way, you give your best energy to the most important.
- Remember your mission and purpose. What is the purpose of your meeting? Don't get caught up in the trivial. Make sure what you do-even in your meetings-fits with your mission and purpose.
- Distribute your agenda a few days before your meeting. This allows people time to pray and think about the items that will be discussed.
- Allow others to contribute to your agenda. Make it possible for leaders and those who are chairing committees to add to the items to be discussed.
- Begin and end your meeting on time. It's very important to begin and end your meetings at the time you've set. It will keep the meeting flowing, but will allow everyone to know in advance how long the meeting will be, thus allowing them to better plan their own schedules.
- Stick to the agenda. It's easy to get side tracked or to stray from the topics on hand. Stick with the allocated order and times. Stay firm with the agenda to gain respect as a productive chair.
Source: Leadership Certification level 2
Key Facts
- On average, women globally live six to eight years longer than men.
- In 2007, women's life expectancy at birth was more than 80 years in 35 countries, but only 54 years in the WHO African Region.
- Girls are far more likely than boys to suffer sexual abuse.
- Road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death among adolescent girls in high- and middle-income countries.
- Essentially all (99%) of the half-a-million maternal deaths every year occur in developing countries.
- Breast cancer is the leading cancer killer among women aged 20-59 in high-income countries.
- Globally, cardiovascular disease, often thought to be a "male" problem, is the leading killer of women.
Prayer Corner
- General Conference Annual Council
- Women and Health
- Government decisions that affect women globally
- October: National Breast cancer Awareness Month & National Domestic Violence Month
- October 1: Devotional Book Deadline
- October 31: Scholarship Applications deadline