In a 10-country study on women's health and domestic violence conducted by World Health Organization (WHO),

  • Between 15% and 71% of women reported physical or sexual violence by a husband or partner.
  • Between 4% and 12% of women reported being physically abused during pregnancy.
  • Every year, worldwide, about 5,000 women are murdered by family members in the name of honor.
  • Worldwide, up to 1 in 5 women report experiencing sexual abuse as children. Children subjected to sexual abuse are much more likely to encounter other forms of abuse later in life.

Sign the petition to end violence against Women

Prayer Corner

  • Enditnow Campaign
  • Women who are juggling motherhood, career and calling, as they seek to find a balance in their service to God.
  • Christian friendships and welcoming churches


  • November 19: World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse
  • November 15: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
  • December 1: World AIDS Day