Ministry according to Jesus: Reaching out to those in need
In the past few months, Susan Williams, Women's Ministries Director of the Botswana Union, and her husband Kenneth, have been visiting different projects. She writes:
"Our work with the Women's Ministries Department has taken us to many towns and villages in Botswana. Visiting in areas designated as 'settlements' where the populace is small and poverty stricken, we have been shocked to see the needs of some of the people we meet.
"Remembering the motto of our Women's Ministries department inspired us to do more for the disadvantaged, orphans, and vulnerable peoples of Botswana. My family and I feel very blessed to serve the less advantaged, and serving, caring and loving these poor people has changed the focus of our lives. Jesus has truly used this experience not only to change us, but as we share our experiences with others who pass through our lives and contribute to our projects, their lives are changed too.
"The verses in Matthew 25:37-40 started to have very special meaning in directing our focus on being more compassionate, loving, and caring towards the needy.
"Through a donor in Canada and our son, we received a container load of clothing and dehydrated soup. The soup was packed in 2 kilogram (just over 2 pounds) packets contained in 200 liter drums (about 53 gallons). Each packet, when soaked overnight in water, makes 29 liters (about 27 quarts) of nutritious soup. We distributed the soup across the country and ladies started soup kitchens in their districts. Soup kitchens in some districts would feed up to 200 people at a time. Some of the ladies make the soup, add bread, and feed HIV patients at the clinics while they wait for their ARV treatment. Street children, the aged, and orphans are being fed in several different districts.
"During our trip, clothing, toys, and soup were taken to the remote areas.
"In Ghanzi (Place of Rejoicing Centre) the women started growing vegetables to share with the destitute families. In Manyana (Place of Hope Centre) the women also started growing vegetables for the orphans and needy families.
"I commend all of the Women's Ministries ladies for dedicating their time to cooking and serving the less advantaged people in their districts."
"Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching people. The Savior mingled with [people] as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘follow Me'." -Ministry of Healing, p. 143.