Facing the Future:
A Look at Challenges and Opportunities for Women’s Ministries
In the 16 years since Women’s Ministries became a full department in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the world has changed greatly. The internet, cable networks, and social media make us feel global events are happening in our own backyard. The entertainment industry has become very sophisticated; there is increasing violence; there are diseases such as depression for which science is still looking for answers. On the spiritual side, women still need to understand God’s love and provision for her as a woman. Women’s Ministries has the mission to foster spiritual growth and renewal among women and to meet their needs in a holistic way.
During the past quinquenium, 2005 to 2010, the General Conference Women’s Ministries Department focused on combining evangelism and ministry, placing more intentional emphasis on the Six Challenge Issues that impact women globally, helping each woman to find a ministry that will help us face these challenges. On March 22-27 of this year, the 13 Women’s Ministries division directors from all over the world will meet for the 2011 advisory. During these meetings the leaders will be working and planning together to unify procedures and strategies to meet the needs of women globally and make a difference where they are. The six Challenge Issues are:
1. Threats to Health
2. A Woman’s Workload
3. Poverty
4. Lack of Training, Mentoring, and Leadership Opportunities
5. Abuse
6. Illiteracy
Much has changed in 16 years, but Seventh-day Adventist women can still claim the promise that “in Christ they can do all things.” They can help to redeem souls by touching a heart and telling the world about Jesus; restore broken relationships through projects that address abuse and violence; transform attitudes and behaviors through mentoring, training, and education; and provide resources that enable them to carry the message of hope to a waiting world.
Raquel Arrais
General Conference WM Associate Director