Focus on the News



Euro-Asia Division (ESD)

Since 2006 the ADRA project "warm hands and warm feet" has operated in Siberia. ADRA provides yarn, and the women in our congregations knit socks and mittens for children in rehabilitation centers or orphan homes. The women and youth visit these centers where they conduct Christian programs and then give out mittens and socks. Our sisters have provided some centers with mittens and socks for more than a year. Heads of these centers are very grateful. They say that sponsors buy toys and video equipment. But children lose mittens and tear socks, so our service is a great help.



In February, a program called "Bread and Cereal" was started in many churches. Women take an active part by preparing tasty food. To start, advertisements were printed, church members put them up, and on the first day six persons came. (Twice as many staff members baked pies for the event.) Those who came were dumbfounded at the respect shown them. The church members got acquainted with the guests, and gave them packs of cereals, a loaf of bread, some pie, and tea.

The program is both social and spiritual. Guests were invited to a film at the next program. After the film, people asked questions on the theme. Each time a few more people attended, though advertising was now just word-of-mouth. Within two months, 25-30 guests were coming. The group has now grown to 60.

 As Adventists we have a fine, practical message about health. When a person is fed and given a kind word, it may be the very thing to attract attention to the Bible. This program may not work quickly, but the funds are used, not for advertising but for people's needs. Some guests already wish to be baptized.

--Ludmila Mikituk, WM Director, Eastern Conference



West-Central Africa Division (WAD)


Christians look forward to a great heavenly banquet. This inspired the Women’s Ministries Department of Togo Mission in Sahel Union to organize a program honoring older women in the church who have served the Lord through their ministries. More than 80 women were honored and given a certificate of appreciation. It was a time of great emotion as these women shared their personal testimonies. More than 200 Adventist and non-Adventist women attended. The occasion was chaired by a representative of the Minister of Women’s and Children’s Affairs of Togo Republic, who called the program a great encouragement for all women to faithfully carry out their duties.

This program has created enthusiasm to undertake various ministries, a greater longing for Christ’s coming, and great dynamism in Women’s Ministries activities.