GC Women's Ministries Newsletter Calendar & Prayer Request

APRIL 2008

Women's Challenge Issues—Illiteracy

If They Can't Read, They Can't Read the Bible

  • In the world today there are over one billion adults who cannot read. Over 650,000 of that number are women.
  • The world population is over 6 billion. The complete Bible is now available to 90% of these people in their mother tongue. Yet 45-55% of these people cannot read. Non-readers comprise the vast majority of the peoples yet to be reached with the Gospel.
  • Non-readers are captive: they cannot fill out job applications; they cannot open a checking account; they cannot use a phone book; they cannot read any Christian literature or the Bible.
  • Literacy Volunteers of America has defined a literate person as one who is able to use printed and written information to function in society, achieve her goals, and develop her knowledge and potential. This may apply to a second language as well—the language of commerce.
  • Where 50% or more of the population cannot read, teaching literacy is the best way to plant churches.

How to get involved. What the church can do:

  • Create a literacy awareness in your congregation
  • Assess what type of program is still needed
  • Make a financial contribution to a literacy program
  • Set up a program
  • Provide tutoring space in your church
  • Become a tutor
  • Direct a program
  • Provide baby sitting service during the tutoring session
  • Give a gift of reading materials
  • Get involved in your community’s education system
  • Be knowledgeable about your local board of education
  • Advocate for equal education for all

Source: If They Can’t Read – GCWM Mentoring Brochures

Prayer Corner

  • Women who don't know how to read
  • Raquel Arrais travel to EUD
  • Heather-Dawn Small travel to NA


  • April 7—World Health Day. World Health Day this year focuses to protect health from the adverse effects of climate change. More information: www.who.int
  • May 31— Scholarship applications due to GCWM

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