“Nurture, Empower, and Outreach” Focus Equips Women for Ministry
A Ministry For Every Woman: Touch a Heart, Tell The World
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a rapidly-growing denomination, yet much work remains for all to do. Because women make up 70% of church membership world-wide, their participation in the church’s mission to prepare people for Jesus’ second advent is vital.
“A Ministry for Every Woman: Touch a Heart, Tell the World” is a program developed by General Conference Women’s Ministries to advance the work of sharing the gospel using the methods that Christ used. This program provides an opportunity for every Adventist woman to become involved in the mission of the church. A primary goal is to motivate each woman to strengthen relationships—with Jesus, with her family, with other church members, and with the people in her community.
“A Ministry for Every Woman: Touch a Heart, Tell the World” calls each woman—to invite her friends to fellowship, to introduce her friends to Jesus, and to share the great truths of God’s Word. We may each show kindness in practical Christian service to others as we “Touch a Heart” and “Tell the World.”
There are three areas of focus when it comes to equipping, training, and inspiring women to serve: Nurture, Empower, and Outreach.
- NURTURE: Reach up - To help women in their devotional time and personal growth, enabling them to be nurturers in the church and community.
- EMPOWER: Reach across - To equip women for their activities and projects for the church and community.
- OUTREACH: Reach out - To help women use small group fellowship to reach others in their community.
Our church faces many challenges. E. G. White tells us that “When a great and decisive work is to be done, God chooses men and women to do this work, and it will feel the loss if the talents of both are not combined” (Evangelism, p. 469). Truly, this is a time for us to work even harder than in the past. This is a time for each man, woman, boy, and girl to become involved in the ministry of the church.
GC Women’s Ministries provides guidelines, ideas, and resources for each of these three areas of ministry. They will provide information and inspiration to help YOU “Touch a Heart” for Christ. For more information go to: women.adventist.org