A Bold Plan to Spread Truth for These Times

A Bold Plan to Spread Truth for These Times

The General Conference Launches the Great Controversy
Project for the World Field

Women have accepted the challenge!

The Project Plan

The Great Controversy Project is an initiative of General Conference President, Pastor Ted Wilson. The challenge to the world field is to distribute massive quantities of a shortened version of The Great Controversy as part of the Church’s worldwide “Tell the World” emphasis.

Divisions are making plans for this mass distribution. The various ministries of the Church are also making plans to share…… the distribution. Each leader and member, young and old, is challenged to help. Each entity of the Church—schools, media centers, health-care institutions, support organizations, independent ministries, and any other ministry connected with the Church—is asked to join in this global initiative.

The Project Phases

The project has two phases:

  • Read it! During 2011 each woman is encouraged to read or reread The Great Controversy.
  • Distribute!  During 2012 and 2013 it will be the Missionary Book of the Year. We can include it in our Women’s Ministries plans.

The Project Partners

Each one of us is invited to be a partner in this bold plan. Every woman can be involved. If you have not yet heard of the plans for your region, please ask your conference or union and ask how you can get involved. As a Women’s Ministries leader, share with them your ideas.

The Project’s Prayer Need

This project needs your prayers. We are moving forward with prayer, humbly seeking God’s guidance each step of the way. Invite the women in your church to form prayer circles to pray for this special outreach.

Our prayer is that the Great Controversy Project will spread truth, transform lives, and bring us closer together as a Church family as we spread the word of Christ’s soon coming.

More information:  see www.thegreathope.org for information and resources for both recipients and distributors.

(Based on an article in Elder’s Digest magazine – July/September 2011, by Delbert Baker, a General Conference General Vice President and the administrative coordinator for this project.)

Focus on the News

Focus on the News

West-Central Africa Division (WAD)

Women’s Prayer Retreat

More than 1600 women from all parts of Ghana gathered for a prayer retreat organized by the WM Department of the Ghana Union Conference. The retreat was held at Bekwai, Ghana, this April. The theme was “Reviving Women through Prayer.”

The women not only reached up to God for His blessings, but also reached across to help those present who were in need. A donation of $2500 was given to the needy widows.

There was joy on every face. The women renewed their devotion to God, lighting a candle to symbolize their commitment.

Source: West-Central Africa Division WM department

Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID)  

Women Take a Stand against Abuse

As part of the Enditnow program the women of the Botswana Union under the leadership of  the WM Department organized a march through the city of Gaborone, and presented a petition to the Minister of Labour and Home Affairs of Botswana.

Various departments of the church joined the women in speaking out against this abuse. Mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, pastors, Shepherdess, Pathfinders—all participated.

At the conclusion, everybody paused for a few minutes to remember those affected by the violence and those who have died due to violence. 

By Susan Williams, Botswana Union Women’s Ministries director


Euro-Africa Division (EUD)

Bulgarian Women in Mission

Women in our churches in Bulgaria are active. From 2007 to 2009, many have completed all four levels of the WM Leadership Certification Program. A highlight of their Women’s Ministries congress in 2011 was the presence of Heather-Dawn Small, General Conference WM Director, and Denise Hochstrasser, the new WM Director for EUD.  Enditnow has also been a success in Bulgaria, where the women have collected many signatures. The Hope Channel offered a 75-minute broadcast about enditnow in the Bulgarian language.

Challenges in Bulgaria include lack of financial resources and the large number of Roma church members, many of whom neither read nor write. Children are often married early, some as young 12. Abuse is a major problem. Women’s Ministries is working hard to implement a literacy program and sexual and health education for the Gypsy women, who often become mothers at an early age.

Source: Euro African Division WM Department

Inspiration for You: Empowerment Ministry




How to start

  1. Invite women who are interested in learning methods of outreach to a seminar. Help them identify their spiritual gifts and calling. Discuss ways they can be involved in evangelism.
  2. Use the  Outreach is for Everyone:  Women’s Ministries Evangelism  Manual. This training program covers 15 topics and can be used for a weekend of training to help women share the love of Jesus.

The Goals of Empowerment Ministry

  1. To train, equip, and prepare each woman to be a witness to the power of the gospel.
  2. To encourage each woman to step out in faith as she witnesses.
  3. To motivate women to support and participate in the evangelistic programs of her church.
  4. To encourage churches to involve women in evangelistic outreach.

The Benefits of Empowerment Ministry

  • Women will discover the many ways one may witness.
  • More women will be trained and empowered to participate in sharing the gospel.
  • Churches will encourage and value the contribution of women to evangelism.

 Helpful Materials

 Outreach is for Everyone:  Women’s Ministries Evangelism Manual  contains:

  • 15 seminar topics for the presenter
  • 15 PowerPoint presentations that illustrate the topics
  • Handouts for the women who attend

This material is available FREE at our web site: women.adventist.org   

Top 10 List for Healthy Friendships

Taken from http://www.beliefnet.com/Love-Family/2010/04/10-Lessons-About-Lasting-Friendship.aspx?p=5, accessed July20, 1010.  “Top-Ten List for Accountable Friendships” taken from the “For Every Woman” leadership development unit, “Creating One on One Connections:  Nurturing Community” by Karen Yancey



  • “At every work of mercy, every work of love, angels of God are present. Those
    who live nearest to heaven will reflect the brightness of the Sun of Righteousness.”
    Ellen White. Manuscript 55, 1901.


  • There is need of personal labor for the souls of the lost. In Christlike sympathy we should
    come close to men individually, and seek to awaken their interest in the great things of eternal life. Ellen White. A Call to Stand Apart, p. 24.


Prayer Corner

  • Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day
  • enditnow Campaign
  • For the WM new leaders around the world
  • Heather-Dawn Small's travel to ECD, NAD
  • Raquel Arrais' travel to WAD, IAD


  • August 9  International Day of the World's Indigenous People
  • August 27  Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day