Inspiration for You

OUTREACH MINISTRY: “Homes of Hope and Healing” 

The “Homes of Hope and Healing” program involves opening our homes to our neighbors for fellowship and learning. In these perplexing times, when hopelessness abounds, our homes can be places where neighbors, family, and friends gather in fellowship to share HOPE and HEALING for spiritual and emotional nurture.

How can I create interest?

  •  In this ministry, we open our homes to women in our community. We work in small groups. The goal is to make lasting friendships for Jesus.
  • Invite women to come to your home or other non-church location (if possible).
  • You may want to offer light refreshments (optional).
  • Share your personal testimony of what Jesus has done in your life.
  • Invite your guests to participate with you in an eight-week “Homes of Hope and Healing” journey.
  • Explain that this is an ongoing program with breaks every eight weeks. (The length is flexible. Keep it short to accommodate people’s schedules).

How do I organize the program?

  • Involve the group in choosing one topic to focus on for eight weeks. Possible topics:  health, spiritual nurturing, family, parenting, communication, etc.
  • You may use DVDs, PowerPoint, printed lessons, or other media if you wish.
  • Invite qualified speakers to present topics. You do not have to lead out each time.
  • Limit the presentation of the topic to 30 minutes.
  • Follow with a break-out time/group discussion of about 30 minutes.
  • The total time for the meeting should be about one hour (You may have working women or mothers of young children who cannot stay late).
  • End with a short prayer.

How can I keep “Homes of Hope and Healing” going?

  •  When you finish the eight-week series, take a break of a few weeks. Then begin again, with another topic chosen by the group.
  • The number of eight-week series is flexible. It might be once every three or six months. Each group leader is free to set  her own schedule.

Helpful Materials

  • “The Bible and Human Emotions.” Sabbath School Bible Study Guide by Julian Melgosa
  • Women in the Bible and Me. Bible Study Lessons
  • Journey of Joy, by NADWM
  • Bible Studies for Busy Women, by GCWM
  • Other materials may be available in your Division

The Benefits 

  • You will build strong friendships with other women and help lead  women to Jesus by meeting their varied needs.
  • Your community will be strengthened as women’s concerns are addressed.
  • Your faith will be strengthened as you share and witness.
  • Your church will be strengthened as new friendships are formed.