Women Enthusiastic in South America
A Small Project Grows: The Northeast Brazil Union Conference goal is to evangelize the city of Montadas, in Paraíba. Women participated enthusiastically. Beginning with the topic Breaking the Silence, about abuse, they involved local schools and authorities. The original small group grew into a church with 50 members.
The Same Hope: Promoted by the Southeast Brazil Union Mission, the Women’s Ministries Council gathered with the theme, “The Same Hope as the Pioneers.” This event strengthened the hope and faith of the more than five thousand women who gathered. Many Women’s Ministries leaders participated, including Raquel Arrais from the General Conference; Williane Marroni, SAD WM director; Sara Lima from the Southeast Region; Pastor Erton Köhler, president of SAD; and teenager Amy Gonçalves, who touched hearts by revealing the extreme fragility of her own health. The program strengthened the women’s commitment to evangelism.
Health Fair Leads to Conversions: In Peru, the Ministerio Vida Plena [Full Life Ministry] focuses on women’s health through Health Fairs. They also offer leadership courses and courses related to income generation. On Women’s Ministries Sabbath, the focus is on spiritual health, and on Sunday, Health Fairs emphasize body and mind care. These contacts lead to Bible studies and baptisms. For example, a young man who wanted to know more about health because the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit is now a member.
The Great Hope Project: March was an intense month in São Paulo. We started the “Great Hope Project” in our churches, praying for those who would become agents of hope, for those who would receive the books, and for the Holy Spirit to touch the hearts of those receiving the material. Then an army of women spread out to take hope to every home in South America. Thousands of books, smiles and prayers were used to proclaim that our great hope is Jesus. On March 26, the first lady of Peru, Nadine Heredia Alarcón, received the book The Great Hope.