GC Women's Ministries Newsletter Calendar & Prayer Request
Women's Challenge Issues—Leadership Mentoring Opportunities
High Tech and High Touch
Jesus influenced individuals from a wide variety of educational and vocational backgrounds. Some were from dysfunctional families. A few were professionals, many were common laborers. Some were fearless and others lacked courage. However, He saw in each the potential to become great leaders, and He inspired them to commit time and energy to learn from Him.
As we think about this, let us ask ourselves a few questions:
- Am I currently available for a season of mentoring to a variety of women from different backgrounds?
- Am I asking God to help me see the potential of the women He wants me to mentor?
- Am I living a life that inspires them to fulfill their purpose?
- Am I eager to discover what these purposes are?
- Am I willing to be accountable for what I learn?
- Have I avoided the responsibility of mentoring others because I feel inadequate?
Will I say to God today, “I will follow You with a pure heart. Show me the people You want me to impact with biblical principles, a listening ear, and encouragement for the journey of life?”
—Source: Mentoring Seminar by Lynnetta Hamstra; WM Leadership Program Level 3
“I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.” (John 14:12, NLT).
Prayer Corner
- Annual Council in Manila
- Women who lack adequate healthcare
- Women who are victims of sexual trafficking
- Heather-Dawn Small travel to EUD
- September 8—United Nations International Literacy Day
- October 17—International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
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