Mission to the Cities: Reaching Kinshasa
Mission to the Cities: REACHING KINSHASA
East Central Africa Division (ECD)
“Outreach is for Everyone” is not simply a goal of Women’s Ministries in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is reality. Adventist women gathered in the city marketplaces of Kinshasa for a self-appointed community service day, March 10, to clean up around food stalls after a week of training in February with ECD WM Director Debbie Maloba.
During a week of training in Kinshasa, women
commit to outreach plans.
Surprised Provincial Authority agents discovered the unusual and desirable activity. Soon the Ministry of Environment asked church members to partner with the government to inspire residents to keep city markets clean. The project’s message, “Garbage Kills but Cleanliness Heals,” also effectively communicates the Biblical health message.
Prison ministry is the next most important project chosen by the 826 women trainees. Political instability in the Congo cannot solve problems at a local prison, such as overcrowding (6,000 inmates in a facility built for 1,500), poor diet and living conditions (skin diseases such as scabies and mycosis never heal), and the inmates’ feeling of abandonment by anyone who might care.
Women joyfully clean city markets for health reasons.
Presidents of the West Congo Union and local field accompanied representatives from Women’s Ministries and twenty women to the prison, May 1, to deliver bulk food (such as rice, sugar, fish) for 1,000 prisoners. With permission from the prison director, they established a program to support and evangelize sick and abandoned prisoners. Four women each committed to visit four women three times a week. The union women’s ministries director (with support from the local field chaplaincy director) launched weekly Bible studies using Mark Finley’s DVD, New Beginnings.
Government officials observe these passionate women and invite them to partner in future projects.
Through the consistent, caring ministry and constant prayers of these women, inmates hear the Word of God. Lives are touched. Joy, peace, and hope can be seen in their faces. Many have given their hearts to God and request baptism. Some have received healing and deliverance from God.
Source: Debbie Maloba, ECD WM Director
Focus on the News
Focus on the News
Trans-European Division (TED)
Encountering Jesus
Three young women receive WM scholarships.
[Serbia] Personal encounters with Jesus are revealing, refreshing, and life-changing. So desirable is an encounter with Jesus that both genders and all ages were invited to a tri-conference Women’s Ministries Congress in Novi Sad, Serbia, May 24, 25, with guest speakers, TED WM director Clair Sanches and her pastor/psychologist husband John Sanches.
The participants’ experiences with fresh insights and decision-making moments were facilitated by carefully selected poetry, music, prayer time, Bible studies, presentations, and dramatic monologues presented by New Testament women who encountered Jesus. The participants’ responses—to use more of their time, talents, and influence—were primed by contemplating how God values women in ministry and calls women to be involved with sharing the gospel.
All genders and ages participate in Serbia's tri-conference WM Congress.
Only truly changed men and women can give God glory through their lives and influence and become a blessing to others, Clair Sanches pointed out. Only truly changed people empowerd by the transforming control of the Holy Spirit can inspire others to change, emphasized John Sanches.
Three female students at Belgrade Theological Seminary were awarded GC WM scholarships, and Adventist high school students with their teachers also participated in the program.
Source: Marija Trajkovska, WM director, South-East European Union Conference
South Pacific Division (SPD)
Engaging girls and young women of the church is the main goal of SPD WM in their current five-year strategic plan.
Mentoring Teens and Developing Young Leaders
Small groups make time for prayer.
[Solomon Islands] Women’s Ministries in the Solomon Islands hosted their first age-specific congresses for teens and young women. The success of “Real Beauty,” which attracted 90 teenagers, is revealed in their request for another conference. “Real Friends” will be next year’s theme.
Many mature women assisted conference organizer Beverly Maega, Solomon Islands WM director, in the role of group mentors, helping the teenagers understand that Jesus makes them beautiful as they grow in Him. Real beauty, the girls learned, is not outward good looks, but the inner loveliness that comes from knowing Jesus loves them.
Fifty young women under age 40 attended “My Choice, My Destiny.” WM leaders throughout the union were overjoyed as these young women discovered their leadership gifts. Time spent in prayer groups allowed participants to contemplate God’s will and plan for their lives.
Source: Erna Johnson, SPD WM director
Teens enjoy "Real Beauty" conference and ask to meet again.
“True beauty starts from the inside and radiates out. It is
our job to cultivate the
beauty of our inner woman bytaking time to think,
prioritize and meditate.” –Erna Johnson
The updated WM brochure provides the current overview of the Department of Women's Ministries focus in ministry and resources. - See more at: http://women.adventist.org
Mission to the Cities: Reaching Beijing
Inspiration for You
Mission to the Cities: REACHING BEIJING
Northern-Asia Pacific Division (NSD)
Stella Hong, a deaconess of the Penang (Malaysia) English Adventist Church, had a dream to train young people to use their livelihood as a platform for sharing the gospel in China. Hong wanted to use her skills as international consultant and trainer in beauty and complementary therapies and her experience as managing director of three schools in Malaysia. By God’s providence, Stella met Dr. Sally Phoon, NSD WM director, and the Urban Evangelism Project for Beijing was conceived with support from the China Union Mission, Northern Asia-Pacific Division, and the General Conference Women’s Ministries. These are the steps implemented in the plan with the results.
- Find a willing congregation to host the training of willing church members. Gangwashi Church in Beijing under leadership of woman elder Chen Yaxien responds.
- Equip 16-20 church members in skills of massage and cosmetology. Stella and her trainer, Cheah Hooi Sen, arrive in April to launch four weeks of coursework. Since many churches rent their facilities for weddings as an outreach project, bridal makeup and hair styling is added to the curriculum.
- Assist students with seed money for purchasing the necessary materials for class. Students then also generously combine their own funds to cover expenses for all members in this first group.
- Nurture students with spiritual guidance during the training. Through daily worship Sally Phoon, NSD WM director, and Joyce Sham, China Union Mission associate WM director, uplift and challenge students.
- Encourage students to plan their own future businesses. With Elder Chen’s encouragement, the leader reports, “All sixteen of us intend form our own company with the intention of reaching the people of Beijing with the love of Christ.” These independent consultants will meet all kinds of people while satisfying their needs. As urban missionaries reminiscent of the Apostle Paul’s tentmaking work, they will make friends and find opportunity for spiritual conversation when they gain entrance into homes that never open doors to colporteurs or pastors.
- Identify potential leaders to continue the program and certification process in China. Stella and Hooi Sen mentor students to become skilled trainers.
Source: Sally Phoon, ESD WM director
Happy graduates.
Outreach is for Everyone
Outreach is for Everyone
Prison Ministry
Prison Ministry minsters to prisoners and their families, helping them reach their potential in Christ through spiritual, emotional, and physical support. Begin with prayer; seek counsel, find a vision, get organized, and build a team. Recruit two men or two women who are willing to give three hours one day each week to visit the local prison together.
Ideas: Encourage church members to become pen pals with at least one prisoner. Provide transportation for family members to visit prisoner. Give attention to children of prisoners: celebrate birthdays and Christmas; attend activities, such as programs and sports, when the child is participating; care for children when the wife of prisoner needs opportunity to do something alone.
Community Outreach Ministry
Community Outreach ministers to the physical and spiritual needs of your locality. Begin by researching the demographics and felt needs in your surrounding community. Don’t forget to personally canvass the neighborhood. Plans should fit the needs of your community and resources available.
Ideas: Seminars and support groups for stress reduction, parenting and marriage enrichment, healthful cooking, child abuse, grief recovery. Classes for language literacy, English as a second language, micro-business training. Services for abused women, respite care for care-givers, help for the homeless.
General Conference Scholarship Program
With the publication of Blessed, the 2013 Women’s Devotional, GC WM celebrates 20 years of awarding scholarships to women around the world.
20 years = $935,500 given for 2,050 scholarships in 121 countries
Donations accepted via the web. Go to women.adventist.org
Prayer Corner
- Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
- Women involved in outreach ministries
- Mission to the Cities Initiatives
- Homes of Hope and Healing Ministry
8 International Literacy Day
21 International Day of Peace
16 World Food Day
20-26 Pastoral Care Week