Focus on the News
“Sisters, we may do a noble work for God if we will. There is a higher purpose for woman, a grander destiny. She should develop and cultivate her powers, for God can employ them in the great work of saving souls from eternal ruin.” Ellen G White
Advisory Meeting in Kazakhstan
Euro-Asia Division (ESD)
WM local leaders from ESD Southern Union Conference
“You're God's Idea, Arise and Shine!” was the theme of the Women’s Ministries congress in June in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Dressed in national costumes, delegates from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan greeted each other and sang a hymn they had composed, emphasizing the identity of each woman as a beloved daughter of God. Prayers were raised for women in each country; each faces unique challenges. There was also a special prayer for Afghanistan.
Raisa Ostrovskaya, ECD WM director, emphasized that a goal of ECD WM is to encourage women to maintain a balanced life. Raquel Arrais, GC WM associate director, represented the General Conference.
Itinerary Highlights in SPD
South Pacific Division (SPD)
Raquel Arrais, GC WM associate director, and Erna Johnson, SPD WM director, began an itinerary in Sydney with a conference attended by more than 300 women. The theme was “This is Our Time.”
In Auckland, New Zealand, they met with a large group of women. Raquel’s message emphasized our need for the Holy Spirit.
Women from all the islands of French Polynesia gathered on the island of Huahine to catch the Women’s Ministries vision for the future. All were encouraged to go forward, unafraid to use their God-given gifts and talents.
Anti-Abuse Campaigns in SAD
South American Division (SAD)
Thousands of Adventists took to the streets in August as activists against abuse in the “Breaking the Silence” campaign. The Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day, now called enditnow Day, has been highlighted in SAD since its 2001 launch. Local campaigns were reported by media outlets in more than a dozen cities.
In Montevideo, Uruguay, TV news reported live as 500 Adventists stood at traffic intersections with tape over their mouths to represent those who suffer abuse and are afraid to speak up. In Peru, the Minister of Women’s Affairs, Ana Jara Velasquez, joined the Women’s Ministries leaders’ campaign.
In Brazil, several marches were also held in April and May. This year’s campaigns partnered with top officials in municipal and federal governments. Lectures in Piraquara, Paraná, drew nearly 2,500 students. Adventists also distributed thousands of fliers on abuse awareness.
Top pic: Bolivia, "Breaking the Silence" live TV report
Bottom pic: Uruguay, "Breaking the Silence", blockade