Discipleship Ministry


“After individuals have been converted to the truth, they need to be looked after....These newly converted ones need nursing, —watchful attention, help, and  encouragement. These should not be left alone, a prey to Satan’s most powerful temptations; they need to be educated in regard to their duties, to be kindly dealt with, to be led along, and to be apportioned to every man in due season.” Ellen G White, Evangelism, p. 351


DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY offers friendship, instruction, and support with the goal of integrating new members into the life of the congregation. Studies show that people need to have at least five friends in a church or organization before they feel at home and are willing to stay. An important part of discipleship ministry is helping new members to grow in Christ.

IDEAS:  Form a committee responsible for effective integration of new members. Be sure every new member is “friended” by a person in the congregation. Be sure each new member is visited once a week during the first month, then once a month forthe first year. Hold a banquet once or twice a year to introduce new members to the congregation. Invite new members to participate in a small group for intentional spiritual growth. Share special books, such as women’s devotionals, Spirit of Prophecy books, or church magazines.

To download the Ministry Series Brochures, go to women.adventist.org




Prayer Corner

  • New leaders
  • It is Time: Mission to the Cities
  • 10 Days of Prayer
  • Abuse Summit: enditnow.org



November 15  International Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women

November 19  World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse

December 1  World AIDS Day

December 3  International Day of Persons with Disabilities

February 3  Statistical reports due to GCWM office