Inspiration for You

"Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed.  Because His compassions fail not.  They are new every morning.  Great is Your faithfullness.
--Lamentations 3:22, 23



General Conference Women’s Ministries New Year Messages

Joyful New Year’s greetings to our sisters around the world. What does the New Year hold for us? I know there will be trials but let’s focus for a moment on the good things. The New Year will bring blessings, reasons to rejoice, many things to thank God for, new opportunities to grow spiritually, new reasons to pray  more, the guidance and comfort of the Holy Spirit, promises in the Word to claim, new insights in the Bible to find, opportunities to strengthen our relationship with our Father, hope for the trials, new people to meet and introduce to a loving Savior...and the list can go on and on. Take a moment to read the book of Philippians and see how many blessings Paul found in suffering. This year I’m challenging each reader and myself to see life through different eyes, God’s eyes; and let’s see the rainbows rather than rain.


Heather-Dawn Small, Director


I like to see God as a God of new beginnings, new possibilities, new plans, new purpose, new provision, new wisdom and new mercies every morning. God is inviting us to start out the new year with a fresh point of view to new experiences, memories, and blessings, having an open mind and heart to wherever the Lord may take you in your calling, with full assurance and confidence that He is with you (Matt. 28:19-20).   As you go through new experiences, good or bad, I encourage you to keep your eyes fixed on Christ. This is the secret. He will give you rest and peace because He is  our peace and He loves you and cares for you deeply (John 16:33).

Let us praise the Lord for getting us through another year as we look forward to what He has in store for us. May God use you mightily in 2014. 

Raquel Arrais, Associate Director