“Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Savior mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow me.’” Ellen G. White, Ministry of Healing, p. 143
Around the World with WM Leadership Certification Training, Level 1
Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD)
[Taiwan] More than 30 women
leaders of Taiwan gathered for a November 2013 weekend of Women’s Ministries
Leadership, Level 1 certification training, coordinated by Paula Kwok, Taiwan’s
WM Director.
Presentations engaged the women through discussion groups, skits, and other activities to keep a high level of interest throughout the intensive training. All who attended the training left with certificates of completion. The group bonded through fellowship activities that included walks, a ferry ride, and singing.
“Train the Trainer” concept is working in Taiwan Conference, because everyone voted to hold the second level as soon as possible, and pledged to provide training for local church members using the same ten classes for certification.
Contributed by Sally Lam-Phoon, NSD WM Director and a featured speaker
Inter-European Division (EUD)
[Switzerland] Inter-European Division (EUD) WM director Denise Hochstrasser hosted 50 women from German-speaking countries in the first certification training event for Women’s Ministries Leadership, Level 1, January 2014 in EUD. French-speaking women from France and Switzerland who also attended became motivated to organize certification training in France.
Contributed by Denise Hochstrasser, EUD WM Director
WM Volunteers Receive Fifth Award at The Haven, a national women’s shelter
Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD)
[Manila] For the fifth time, the Pasay Adventist Church
Women’s Ministries team, led for 18 years by Consolacion Tauro, has been
nationally recognized by the Philippine Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD) for providing literacy classes for abused women, residents
of The Haven, a national shelter in metropolitan Manila.
Initially, the Philippine DSWD director would not allow doctrine to be discussed at the shelter and conversion was not allowed. However, after seeing changes in women’s characters, the director gave church members more freedom in their interaction with residents. Interest developed for reading and values education, and the Bible is now being used as a textbook. Through all the years of working with The Haven, more than 50 women have accepted Christ as personal Savior. Nine were baptized last November and another baptism is scheduled in March 2014.
Mrs. Consolación Tauro was awarded in 2013 by GC WM as one of the Adventist women of Most Distinguished Service of this century, representing SSD.
Contributed by Consolación C Tauro (pictured), Pasay Adventist Church WM Leader
GC WM Special Projects Box
Funding for literacy class
materials at The Haven comes from five levels of Women’s Ministries in the
church denominational organization: the Pasay church members, the local
conference, the union, the Southern Asia-Pacific Division Women’s Ministries
(SSD WM), and the General Conference Women’s Ministries Special Projects Fund.
SSD Education Department created the learning modules.
To Support GC WM Special Projects, send your contributions to General Conference Women’s Ministries.