Women in Central Siberia Make Five Blueprints for Mission to the Cities
Euro-Asia Division (ESD) April 2014
[Biysk, Russia] "Born to Live," the first Women's Ministries Conference in Central Siberia Mission, met in April and developed five programs for women's emotional, spiritual, and physical health in five target cities. Demographic research for each community's felt needs guided the plans.
Biysk, Physical and Emotional abuse prevention. Projects include community message centers to Break the Silence; distribution of enditnow literature and contact info for emergency response centers.
Barnaul, Spritiual strength. Projects include a café for women; support groups for single parents; countryside billboards with the message, "We will pray for your problems"; an Adventist internet club; "Reaching Your Potential" seminar.
Novoaltaisk, Physical activity. Projects include guided nordik (cardio) walks and prayer walks; health and excercise groups; development of low-impact and high-impact exercise routines for recording to CDs.
Rubtsovsk, Emotional development. Projects include small groups for "Women of the Bible and Me"; showing affection to lonely women and church visitors; spiritual birthday parties to share stories of rebirth in Christ, complete with party food and gifts for guests.
Gorno-Altaisk, Emotional health. Projects include hobby therapy groups and workshops for learning new hobbies; small groups for "Homes of Hope and Healing"; "Genuine Beauty" fashion and personal care seminars for teenagers.
Contributed by Strelnikova Inna, Women's Ministries Director, ESD Central Siberia Mission