First ever Union Congress Convenes in Mozambique
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID) August 2014
[Vilankulos, Mozambique] More than 800 women met for the first ever union-wide congress in the Mozambique Union, August 12-16.
Sister Caroline Chola the director for Adventist women at the Southern Africa Indian Division (SID) was the guest speaker of the historic event. Sister Siphiwe Chisewe, the Zimbabwean women ministries leader also graced the meeting with her presence and messages.
A group of Mozambique women began dreaming after attending the East-Central Africa Division congress in Zimbabwe, April 2013. Their organizational leadership opened a new page for Women’s Ministries in Mozambique with the leadership of Aguida Muchave who demonstrated her unwavering faith to continue with the event during a politically tense time..
Adventist women demonstrated their skills for organization. This event has opened a new page for Mozambique Adventist women with the leadership of sister Aguida Muchave who in turn demonstrated her unwavering faith of organizing such an event during a politically tense time.
Pastor Dr Girimoio Paulo Muchanga, the Mozambique Union President was present with all the Mission presidents, and some of the Union Departmental directors.
Contributed by Caroline Chola, director, SID Women’s Ministrie with Miguel Simoque, Communication director, Mozambique Union Mission