Catching up with a Previous SOS Scholar
Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) March 2014
[China] Li Na is a pastor’s wife from China who went with her husband, Jed Kuang to the Philippines when he was given a scholarship to do his Master’s degree at the Asia International Institute for Advanced Studies (AIIAS). Her love for studying compelled her to take classes also, but due to limited finances, she could only enroll for a few classes. After her husband finished his studies, Lina had the desire to complete her Bachelor’s degree which she had started. Thus, when I visited her and saw her need, I asked her to apply for the WM scholarship which she did. With further help from NSD, she was able to persevere and complete her classwork for her Bachelor’s degree.
God saw that it was not good enough, so when the Big Four Program (a degree program aimed at reaching the Chinese people focusing on Buddhism, Islam, postmodernism and all kinds of religions in China) was launched at AIIAS, Lina was one of those chosen to join the program where she would be able to complete her MA in Ministry.
It was not easy teaching at their school, Love & Hope School, while focused on studying for her degree. Some of her classes are online and self-study, but some require her be in the classroom from time to time. She is glad that she is now at her last semester and will complete the requirements for graduation scheduled March 2014. We pray for Lina and all those who aspire to answer the call to discipleship to serve their home countries.
Contributed by Dr. Sally Lam-Phoon, NSD, Women's Ministries Director