Inter-American Division (IAD)
[Honduras] Members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Honduras are marching through the nation's major citiies to call attention to enditnow. Carrying banners, wearing colorful costumes, and sometimes riding colorful floats, women, men, and children conveyed their message and created true spiritual feasts. These occasions are utilized to perform various free activities such as: delivery of materials, medical consultations, legal advice, haircuts, massages and health talks, among other things.
Contributed by Del Delker Howell, Honduras Union Mission Women's Ministries director
Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD)
All unions in Southern Asia-Pacific Division, particularly in Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines, report events designed to bring public attention to enditnow. The message that Adventists Say No to Violence Against Women and Children is being announced in local communities through parades, symposiums, petition signing, and seminars. Government officials are pleased to assist and collaborate with the efforts of local Women's Ministries leaders and churches.
Contributed by Helen Gulfan, SSD WM director