2015 GC Session Women's Meetings
Join us for Women's Meetings, July 6-9, 2015, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center Grand Ballroom, 200 East Market Street, San Antonio, Texas 78203.
Morning meetings, Monday-Thursday, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM.
Women's meetings with seminar, Tuesday and Thursday, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM.
Theme is "Arise and Shine, Jesus is Coming!"
ALL WOMEN, OF ALL AGES, are invited to attend these meetings where we will worship toegether as daughters of God from every corner of the world. Speakers include Dr. Ella Simmons, Janet Page, Heather-Dawn Small, and Raquel Arrais.
GC Session 2015, general information.
Adventist Women's Bible
The first Adventist Women's Bible, co-produced by Safeliz Publishing (of Spain) and GC Women's Ministries, features full color portraits of women in the Bible with their biographies, a Bible Study series to help share Biblical truth, colorful prophecy charts, a list of the 28 Fundamentals of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and a choice of covers in four colors.
See the inside pages of the Bible, view this video (scroll down to the Bible). Order Bible online, Adventist Book Center
2015 Women's Devotional
Altogether Lovely, the 2015 Women's Devotional, is available at local Adventist Book Centers. All royalties from book sales fund Scholarshipping Our Sisters (SOS). In the past twenty years the GCWM program has awarded one million scholarship dollars to 2,164 women in 124 countries.
Donate online, SOS Scholarship Fund. Order Devotional book online, Adventist Book Center