
Atlantic Caribbean Union Women's Ministries leaders

[Turks and Caicos] Providenciales, the picturesque island known for its natural beauty in the Turks and Caicos, was the site for the annual Women's Ministries Retreat of the Atlantic Caribbean Union Mission, comprising the North & South Bahamas Conferences, the Cayman Island Conference and the Turks & Caicos Mission.

Women meet on the beach for morning prayer at 5:00 AM

About 120 women attended. Guest speakers included Raquel Arrais, GCWM associate director, and Cecilia de Iglesias, IAD WM director. The theme of the retreat held October 31-November 2, 2014 was "That I May Know Him" motivating women to live by God's Word in such a time as this.

Contributed by Raquel Arrais, GCWM associate director