Reaching Postmodern Women
We can think of the postmodern person as tending to have a mix of traits in various combinations. (Postmodernism is the philosophy, postmodernity is the cultural landscape influenced by it.)
The average person influenced by postmodernism may never have heard a lecture or read a book about it. Nonetheless, the traits that embody the philosophy are around us.
- The centrality of community
- The privacy of experience
- The subjectivity of truth
- The complexity of human perception
- The fragility of progress
- The unreality of absolutes
- The enormity of the spiritual
- The plurality of worldviews
A Different Kind of Person—A New Way of Reaching Her
Postmodernism is bringing a different kind of person through the doors of our churches. This person is biblically illiterate, skeptical, unconvinced that truth exists in absolute terms, and personally adrift.
This new way of thinking has created one of the greatest missionary opportunities ever. As women we have the opportunity to reach out by friendship evangelism—just being a friend and creating an environment where the person feels loved and accepted.
Women in a Postmodern Culture
Things have never been better. In the United States:
- Women buy or influence the purchase of 80 percent of consumer goods.
- Women buy 50 percent of cars, 51 percent of consumer electronics.
- Women over 55 are the fastest growing group of internet users.
- Women influence 80 percent of all family health care decisions.
- Women can make 48 percent of all stock investors.
- Women head 40 percent of households with assets over $600,000.
- Women own 9 million businesses, generating $3.6 trillion in revenues annually.
Things have never been worse:
- One of three women are victims of domestic violence.
- Heart disease is the number one killer of women.
- Twelve million women are clinically depressed.
- One of seven women live in poverty with an average net worth of $3,000.
- Women earn 74 cents per dollar earned by men.
- 48 million women are divorced, widowed, separated, or have an absent spouse.
- Single women with children account for 54 percent of all poor families.
- Eight percent of widows left financially secure will find poverty within four years.
- Four in ten experience at least one pregnancy before age 20.
Barna Research asked women, “What would create a desirable life for women?” Responses included:
- One marriage partner for life
- Good health
- Having close personal relationship with God – 75 percent said this
- Clear purpose in life
- Having close, personal friendships
—Source: Woman’s Touch Magazine, March/April 2004, page 13
Evangelism Phrases of Friendship
Never underestimate the power of words. Speak these sentences to a friend to brighten her day:
- “You bring the best in me.”
- “I would like your opinion.”
- “How can I pray for you today?”
- “I can help you with that.”
- “I believe in you.”
—From “The Power of a Woman’s Words” by Sharon Jaynes (Harvest House)
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