Prayer Breakfast Helps Women Find Solutions in Sudan
A Prayer Breakfast held in April of this year was described as one of the most fascinating activities organized in the Sudan Field. Twenty-six participants attended from the area around Khartoum. Some of the women were pastor’s wives, some deacons, and some women’s ministries coordinators. The program lasted for four hours. The field president, Pastor Miroslav Didara, greeted the women and gave a word of encouragement.
The program gave time for a lot of singing and prayer. Nadica Didara gave a demonstration on how to make communion bread, how to bake banana bread, and how to prepare some vegetable patties. The three recipes that were demonstrated were copied and given to each woman. The women were encouraged to go and share what they had learned with the women in their own churches.
This was the first time a program of this kind was organized but it will not be the last. “We hope to repeat it in the different churches here in Sudan so that we can learn other useful recipes and have the opportunity to invite other women to attend, especially non-Adventist women from the local community,” says Sarah Napagi, Women’s Ministries director of Sudan Field. The purpose of such a program is to create interaction and develop good relationships between the women and learn from each other. By listening and relating to each other the women share their burdens and help each other find solutions.
Women from South Sudan are encouraged to share what they had learned with the women in their own churches.
While the breads were baking the women were served breakfast, and then Nadica led the devotion which was based on the Bible character Abigail found in 1 Samuel 25. The women discussed in small groups what qualities they found in Abigail. Each woman drew a picture that reflected her own character such as a heart for love, a tree for bearing fruits or providing shelter to the young ones, a flower for brightness, eyes for seeing good things, reading books, or a caring mother. On leaving the prayer breakfast every women received a gift prepared for them as a remembrance of the occasion.
— Anne-May Wollan, TED WM director