Online Community of Women Increases During Quarantine
Women's Ministries program, "Her Territory," coaches the modern woman in her spiritual, emotional, and physical recovery and growth.
Euro-Asia Division (ESD)
[Russia] With the goal of spiritual, emotional, and physical recovery and growth of a modern woman, Natalia Naumenko authored and designed the material for the Women's Ministries coaching project, Her Territory." Every day women receive important practical information for every area of life.
In June 2019, Noumenko led the first insight-tour, "Her Territory," two months following the program launch in April. Three women attended that first six-day event. Each day the women worked with a pastor, a psychologist, a cosmetician, and a fitness trainer.
Natalia Naumenko, Women's Ministries director in this area of western Russia, continued building her community of women. During the quarantine, the number of women joining the community "increases practically every minutes. Every week 60 to 100 women of all ages join," she reports. By June 2020 the number of members of "Her Territory" community had reached 587.
During the quarantine, Naumenko leads weekly online conferences on Zoom. The topics and speakers are different each time. Conference topics have been "Who Are You? Where Are You? When Are You?" "Personality Boundaries," "Cosmetician Thyself," "The Syndrome of the Put-Down Hands." The topic, "Dementia—Questions and Answers," was visited by 390 people.
These successful thematic conferences are continuing, along with weekly prayer meetings and monthly online girl parties using video digital technology.
The second six-day insight-tour, "Her Territory," is scheduled in August 2020. If conditions with COVID-19 prevent "Her Territory" from being held in-person, it will be held online.
"We rely on God and put our trust only in Him," declares Naumenko.
Contributed by Natalia Naumenko, director of Women's Ministries in South Conference of West Russian Union Conference.
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2020 Q3, summer issue