Emotional Intelligence
By Julian Melgosa, PhD
Teens and Depression
How can we recognize depression in teens? How can we help?
ANN Video, November, 5, 2020
Seminars to share with your women's ministries group.
One Is a Whole Number
By Ardis Dick Stenbakken
Adobe Acrobat | PowerPoint
Power to Forgive
By Galina Stele
MS Word | PowerPoint
Developing Your Public Speaking
By Carla Gober
MS Word | Adobe Acrobat
Friendship: God's Gift to Bless Our Lives
By Lou Blanchfield
MS Word | Adobe Acrobat
How to Stretch Your Dollars
By Celia Cruz
MS Word | Adobe Acrobat
Preparing a Stimulating Devotional Talk
By Carole Ferch-Johnson
MS Word | Adobe Acrobat