Seven Souls Are Baptized As the Direct Result of Women's Ministries
Indian Ocean Celebrates Twenty-five Years of the Department of Women's Ministries
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID)
The baptism of seven people in a remote local church, the direct result of women's ministry, was the highlight of Women's Ministries Emphasis Day. In the afternoon the ladies of the church went out in the neighborhood to distribute missionary books. Women are actively sharing their faith with their friends and neighbors and rejoicing in the results.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church's Calendar of Days includes the observance of Women's Ministries Emphasis Day on the second Sabbath in June. Caroline Chola, director of Women's Ministries for the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division, and her team of WM leaders in the unions chose this day in 2020, June 13, to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Women's Ministries being a department of the world church.
Chola reports the baptism of these seven people was [also] the highlight of the many varied WM twenty-fifth anniversary celebrations across the division. "We praise the Lord for His enablings," she adds.
Photos: Indian Ocean Union Conference Women's Ministries
Contributed by Caroline Chola, director of Women's Ministries for Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2020 Q4, fall issue