South American Division Celebrates Twenty-five of the Department of Women's Ministries
Marli Peyerl gives personal testimony to what Women's Ministries means to her and the women she leads.
South American Division (SAD)
Looking at these twenty-five years of Women’s Ministries here in the territory of the South American Division, we can say in a loud voice that: “The Lord has helped us so far.” With the power of God and the action of the Holy Spirit, what began with a small seed, sown by the pioneers who dedicated their lives, time, and ministry to prepare the soil, became a solid ministry, which flourished and bore fruit.
During these twenty-five years, many women began their ministry in a timid way. They did not know their potential or the purpose of God for their lives, but with a spirit of prayer they were supported, encouraged, and strengthened by Women’s Ministries leaders in all administrative levels of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists – the world headquarters, our South American Division, unions, and fields.
The total membership today of the South American Division is 56.8 percent women. We are part of an army of more than one million women who have served the church in all areas. They are dedicated to the Lord's work and their examples will influence women for generations. These women have contributed to different ministries and are involved in different projects led by this Department, contributing to the strengthening of their homes, churches, and society.
Thank God, today we can say that the ministry of women throughout the South American Division is consolidated and strong. It continues on its mission to animate, challenge, equip, and empower Seventh-day Adventist women in their task of carrying the gospel message to the world.
Our mission is to help women understand that Women’s Ministries is not a social club, a society of women, but a ministry that instructs, supports, and inspires women in a unique and personal way; women from different categories: teenagers, single, married, widows, divorced, women who are mothers and who raise their children alone, women who are victims of abuse and violence, women who feel guilty because their children have left the church, and women who feel tired and need support. The courageous commitment of these daughters of God in ministry makes it possible to advance the gospel to every corner of the territory of South America. It is exciting to see how women have developed into being a “Voice of Hope” in the eight countries that make up this territory.
We believe that God cares for women and that women are important in and for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. We stand firm in our commitment to continue nurturing and empowering our women. We will continue motivating them to develop their gifts to hasten Jesus’ return to this earth because the Lord's call is for everyone, regardless of age, race, social status.
By Marli Peyerl, director of Women's Ministries for South American Division
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2020 Q4, fall issue