A Reason for Courage

A Reason for Courage is a Bible study about the three angels' messages of Revelation 14:6-13. These seven lessons don't just inform you, they lead you into a deeper relationship with Jesus. Feed your heart on the love and courage found here. Suitable for everyone.

This is one of the most important sets of Bible lessons that Women's Ministries has prepared. The message is for our time in history. We live in a time of uncertainty, fear, worry, hopelessness, discouragement, depression, increase in suicide, and loneliness. How are we coping each day with what the world throws at us? How do we help others who are not coping well, and who do not know Jesus, to find in Him a Friend and Savior?

Today women need courage more than ever. These messages will lead us to a powerful relationship with Jesus, deeper than we have known in the past. They will give you the courage to believe, to choose, and to stand for the right.

Everyone needs courage to stand for the right, not just women! Because the three angels' messages are proclaimed to everyone, these lessons, written by Kathie Lichtenwalter, invite everyone, men and women, young and old, church member and seeker, to become acquainted with our Creator and to choose our response to His call to come out of Babylon.

A Reason for Courage downloads

In this packet you will find a sermon and prayer activity to launch your Bible study series, a booklet of lessons in color and also in black and white. Build your own PowerPoint presentation with nine slide backgrounds. Download the seven lessons in a Word document, if needed for translating.

Participant's Booklet, Color PDFBlack-White-PDF | Word Booklet, Word Zip File | Sermon, Word document | Prayer activity, Word document | Slide backgrounds, JPG Zip File