West-Central Africa celebrates International Women's Day of Prayer 2021
A prayer conference and retreats for leaders and young women support the day of prayer activities.
West-Central Africa Division (WAD)
[West Africa] Prayer is a necessity now more than before, therefore, women’s ministries of West-Central Africa organized a prayer conference for women and young ladies in February 2021. All local churches were encouraged to participate through social media and onsite when physically possible to unite together. These events brought comfort and support to everyone.
International Women's Day of Prayer, a yearly event on the first Sabbath of March, impacts women—and the entire church—with courage and hope as we face difficult times. March 6 was celebrated all over our division. Women took advantage of this day to reach out to non-Adventist women, hospitals, orphanages, homes of the blind, elderly people, and those in need. These individuals received prayers, gifts, and other basic necessities. Joy filled the air because of the generosity of Adventist women in their neighborhood.
In addition, women’s ministries organized a leaders' retreat for leaders to receive training in new opportunities for service within the context of COVID-19 pandemic. Women shared their experiences, and our leaders are ready to shepherd their women to answer, "I Will Go" for the Master. A retreat was also organized for the young women in our division in the month of February.
Contributed by Omobonike Adeola Sessou, director of Women's Ministries for West-Central Africa Division
Photos: WM WAD
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2021 Q2, spring issue