Preaching Across West-Central Africa, 173 Women Hold Evangelistic Meetings
Just days before the international lockdown, 195 new members are baptized.
West-Central Africa Division (WAD)
[West-Central Africa] Great enthusiasm for our mission of evangelism filled the plans of the women of West-Central Africa Division at the beginning of 2020 before the worldwide pandemic prohibited public evangelistic outreach.
Women in Southern Nigeria Union Conference organized Women’s Ministries evangelistic series held at various sites between February 26 to March 14, 2020. Ninety-seven women preached and a total number of 1,048 people joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church as a result.
Likewise, women in Northern Ghana Union organized evangelistic series during the same period. Twenty-three women preached, resulting in the baptism of 195 new members.
Likewise, Sahel Union Mission organized evangelistic meetings during this time and did not lag behind. Fifty-three women preached in the countries comprising the union and 109 souls were baptized.
We thank God that women led many souls to Christ before the lockdown. We are connecting with our new members to keep them in the faith despite the unusual circumstances following their baptisms.
Contributed by Omobonike Sessou, Women's Ministries director for West-Central Africa Division
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2020 Q3, summer issue