International Women's Day of Prayer in Maun, Botswana
Local pastors speak encouraging words to women presenting the full day of programs.
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID)
[Botswana] Adventist women blessed the town of Maun, Botswana when the Seventh-day Adventist Church congregation observed International Women’s Day of Prayer, March 2, 2019. Many young women were in attendance and also participated in the inspiring program centered on prayer.
Local pastors supported the International Women’s Day of Prayer activities and gave encouraging words to women who presented the full day program.
Under the guidance of Susan Williams, the leader of women's ministry in Botswana, Young Adventist Women’s Ministries (YAWM) is making a difference in the lives of young women across the country. They are maturing into creative and active members. They are also becoming accomplished leaders. Williams joins women’s ministries leaders of the worldwide church who are focused on mentoring young girls, teenagers, and young women.
Contributed by Susan Williams, director of Botswana Union Conference Women's Ministries
Reported in Mosaic newsletter, 2019, Q2, Summer issue