Baptisms increase by 143% with women in evangelism
"Evangelization Week of Women's Ministry" in June motivates church growth in three southeastern coastal states of Brazil.
South American Division (SAD)
[Brazil] Since June 2014 when women began holding an annual week of evangelism in the southeastern states of Brazil, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has experienced a greater growth rate of membership in the states of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, and Espírito Santo.
This greater growth is the direct result of the Women’s Ministries project: “Evangelization Week of Women’s Ministry.” Prior to 2014 the average number of baptisms in June was 700. Since 2014 the average number of baptisms in June is 1,700. This is a startling average increase of 143%.
Women are trained in evangelism, including how to arrange logistics for evangelistic events, how to prepare Biblical messages, and how to help someone make the decision to follow Jesus. During the week of evangelism, the congregation opens its doors every day to present Biblical themes to the community. Each event is coordinated by women with the help of volunteers—local leaders, pastors and their wives.
The primary goal of the week of evangelism, says Sara Lima, leader of Women’s Ministries in that region, is to motivate church members in initiating Bible studies early in the year with one or more friends, and for these women to discover their talents and gifts in preparation for becoming involved in the mission of our Lord. Therefore, these non-church members are ready for reaping when the week of evangelism occurs in June.
“The Indispensable Jesus,” the theme for “Evangelization Week of Women’s Ministry,” held June 2-9, 2018, enriched the lives of guests attending, the women participating, and the approximately 2,000 congregations opening their doors—representing 90% of churches in the three states of eastern Brazil.
Contributed by Fernanda Beatriz
with Sara de Matos G. Lima, Women's Ministries director for Southeast Brazil Union Conference
Published in Mosaic newsletter, Summer 2018