Women’s Ministries Departmental Advisory Orients New Leaders in Central Europe
The division women’s ministries director and six union directors have opportunity in Italy to network with women’s ministries leaders from the Church world headquarters.
Inter-European Division (EUD)
[Italy] Women’s ministries directors in central Europe gathered for a departmental union advisory in Italy, September 22 to 24, 2019. The meeting gave opportunity for the ministry leaders of Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Portugal, Romania, and Switzerland to make plans with Inter-European Division Women’s Ministries director Dagmar Dorn, and Heather-Dawn Small and Raquel Arrais of the General Conference Women’s Ministries Department who facilitated the meeting.
The leaders, some of them new to their positions as women’s ministries union directors, learned about their job descriptions, mission and vision, statistics, resources, scholarships, and budgets. All shared reports of what is being done in their own countries and gained perspective and inspiration for ministry from each other.
One purpose of the meeting was to give the leaders time to get to know each other. A field trip to Venice gave them a splendid opportunity to develop relationships apart from formal meetings.
Contributed by Dagmar Dorn, women’s ministries director for Inter-European Division
Published in Mosaic newsletter, 2019 Q4, Fall issue